Arizona law encourages racial profiling
It is hard not to see the similarities in the direction our nation is headed and that of the late Weimar Germany, and a shame that even our community is being run by racial bigotry and ignorance.
I am appalled that the Washougal City Council supports the unconstitutional Arizona immigration law that encourages racial profiling.
The law forces the police to determine the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an undocumented immigrant. Councilman Jon Russell, who sponsored the resolution, has a clear agenda by using the issue as a scapegoat in these difficult economic times and is supporting an all out assault on the Latino community.
It is not a law-enforcement or national security issue, but rather an economic, social and political phenomenon that has to be addressed at the root cause — primarily a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement and its effects on agriculture in Mexico, which displaced millions of workers.
It is time to stand up for justice, confront the bigotry and racist policies of local officials, and ally ourselves with the local immigrant communities.