The Downtown Camas Association recently named its first Main Street program manager.
Lisa M. Christopher, an award-winning heritage tourism expert, was chosen by the DCA after a recent search.
“Lisa has a strong background in heritage tourism and marketing,” said Caroline Mercury, DCA board president. “We feel that, as our first paid staff person, she will be able to bring Camas to the next level. We want to keep our historic small-town charm but reinforce the downtown’s role as a community gathering place.”
As the program manager, Christopher will work to build on a strong, grass roots network of merchants and shopkeepers that will focus on a series of activities to attract new interest in the vibrant downtown area.
“For more than 100 years, downtown Camas has proven to be the heart of this community,” Christopher said. “I’m excited about the chance to help the city and the downtown areas continue on this forward path.”
A resident of Camas, Christopher has worked locally with several museums, serves on local heritage committees, and, as an independent heritage tourism consultant, has written a book and numerous articles.