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Rotary Club installs new president

Greg Brown hopes to create future leaders

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A special assets manager at Riverview Community Bank is the new president of the Camas-Washougal Rotary Club.

Greg Brown, who has worked at Riverview for six years, plans to serve youth and young adults by implementing Rotary’s “New Generations Service.”

“This is particularly important to me, as I have children that are 11 and 7 years old,” he said. “Youth represent both the future of the world and the future of Rotary, so it is very important that Rotary make a concerted effort to serve their needs.

“The added emphasis of service to youth will enhance our programs in Camas and Washougal,” Brown added. “We have sponsored Interact Clubs at both Washougal and Camas high schools. Interact Clubs are a service organization for high school youth and a way to help develop future leaders.”

He served as the scholarship chair for the C-W Rotary Club from 2006 to 2010.

Other officers include Lindsey Korell, immediate past president; Molly Coston, president elect; Rollin Perrigo, treasurer and Cindy Forslund, secretary.

Rotary International is a service organization with more than 1.2 million members in more than 160 countries. The C-W Rotary Club performs and supports community projects and local scholarships with money raised from the annual Ducky Derby event.

Breakfast meetings are held Thursdays, at 7 a.m., at The Fairgate Inn, 2213 N.W. 23rd Ave., Camas. For more information, call Carol Keljo, at 606-4960.