Clark County’s largest food drive will be held on Saturday, when thousands of pounds of food will be collected by hundreds of volunteers making their way throughout the area.
Inside today’s Post-Record, readers will find a Walk & Knock grocery bag. Local residents can fill it with food and leave it on their doorsteps on Saturday morning.
From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., volunteers will be going door-to-door to collect the bags and deliver the food to one of 10 drop-off locations.
The donations are then taken by truck to the Port of Vancouver, and stored and sorted in a warehouse. By the end of the following week, the food is distributed to 15 food banks, including the Inter-Faith Treasure House in Washougal.
The members of Walk & Knock include local Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary and Optimist clubs, members of the Clark County Amateur Radio Club, and adult leaders of Boy and Girl Scouts.
Walk & Knock was initiated by Lions members Bud Pasmore and Doug Rae in 1982. It has since grown to be Clark County’s largest food drive, collecting a total of more than 6 million pounds of food worth nearly $8 million dollars.