
Employment fair is Wednesday in Vancouver

57 employers have signed on to participate

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A job fair with the goal of connecting area employers with potential new hires will be held Wednesday, at the Red Lion Hotel at the Quay in Vancouver.

The event, which is being hosted by Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Camas), will include at least the more than 55 employers who have confirmed participation.

“With so many looking for work in our region, I’m encouraged that such a large number of employers are interested in filling jobs,” Herrera Beutler said. “This jobs fair is just one way to help job seekers in Southwest Washington.”

Among the local employer’s who are on board include Georgia Pacific, iQ Credit Union, Robertson and Olson Construction, WaferTech, Burgerville, Camas Meadows Golf Course, SEH America, Edward Jones and Costco.

The concept for the job fair came after Herrera Beutler held a job creator forum in Vancouver in August, when employers said they were challenged to find qualified applicants.

“Job creation continues to be one of my top priorities,” Herrera Beutler said. “We need to get Southwest Washington working again, and this jobs fair will provide a venue for residents to connect with job-creators in our region.”

The forum will be held from 1 to 6 p.m., and is free and open to all Southwest Washington citizens looking for employment opportunities.