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Ballots can be hand-delivered to drop-off sites until 8 p.m.

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Today is General Election Day

Those who waited until the last minute to vote have a few hours left to return their ballots in time to be counted for today’s General Election.

Today only, 35 ballot deposit locations throughout Clark County will be open until 8 p.m. Camas sites include Dorothy Fox Elementary School, 2623 N.W. Sierra St., Grace Foursquare Church, 717 S.E. Everett Road, Helen Baller Elementary School, 1954 N.E. Garfield St., and Prune Hill Elementary School, 1601 N.W. Tidland St. In Washougal, ballots can be delivered to the community center, 1681 “C” St.

Clark County Elections officials will begin the process of entering ballots into the tabulation system today at 5 p.m. As of today, 129,394 Clark County ballots have been returned, which represents about half of registered voters.

For more information about today’s election, visit