Joe Tanner
Address: 17507 N.E. 33rd Ave., Ridgefield, WA 98642
Phone: 360-910-1600
Age: 65
Occupation: Senior management in medical device, electronics manufacturing, retail and consumer products firms
Education: bachelor’s degree in economics, magna cum laude, from Harvard University; JD from the University of Texas School of Law
Political Party: Democrat
Web site:
1. Why are you running for Clark County commissioner?
Clark County badly needs help, a new direction, with new leadership. That is exactly what drove me to public service earlier, in the State House and Senate, and as president of the Columbia River Economic Development Council. We created fundamental and lasting positive changes in Clark County then, and I can lead the same type of positive change now.
Our unemployment is uncharacteristically 35 percent higher than Portland and the state of Washington, and our average wage has slipped badly. Our citizens are hurting, and county government is doing little to change the situation.
My plan is a “game changer.” Just like the last time I was in a position to make a difference, I expect to see many new employers and a rising level of wages for our citizens.