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Charter freeholder seats draw many candidates

Deadline to file is Friday at 5 p.m.

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District 1

Position 1: Garry E. Lucas, Vancouver; Keith E. Bellisle, Vancouver

Position 2: Ann Rivers, La Center

Position 3: Scott Edwards, Battle Ground; Julie Olson, Ridgefield

Position 4: Troy Van Dinter, La Center; Ben Meyer, Vancouver; Steve McGillis, Vancouver; Ken Poyneer, Brush Prairie

Position 5: Randy Mueller, Ridgefield; David Standal, Ridgefield; Patricia Reyes, Vancouver

District 2

Position 1: Rob Perkins, Vancouver; Thomas Hann, Camas; Joel Littauer, Vancouver

Position 2: Lloyd Halverson, Camas; Debbie Abraham, Brush Prairie; Tracy S. Wilson, Vancouver

Position 3: Judie Stanton, Vancouver; Jim Martin, Vancouver

Position 4: Paul Dennis, Camas; Adam Baldwin, Vancouver

Position 5: Chuck Miller, Camas; Jamie Hurly, Vancouver; Jake Smith, Vancouver

District 3

Position 1: Pat Jollota, Vancouver; D. Michael Heywood, Vancouver; Sunrise O’Mahoney, Vancouver; Carolyn Crain, Vancouver

Position 2: Val Ogden, Vancouver; Rob Figley, Vancouver; Paul Harris, Vancouver; Craig Riley, Vancouver

Position 3: Jim Moeller, Vancouver; Bruce A. Samuelson, Sr., Vancouver; Jerry W. Keen,Vancouver; Debbie Peterson, Vancouver

Position 4: Temple Lentz, Vancouver; Dan Barnes, Vancouver; Kris Fay, Vancouver; K. Peter Henrickson, Vancouver

District 1

Position 1: Garry E. Lucas, Vancouver; Keith E. Bellisle, Vancouver

Position 2: Ann Rivers, La Center

Position 3: Scott Edwards, Battle Ground; Julie Olson, Ridgefield

Position 4: Troy Van Dinter, La Center; Ben Meyer, Vancouver; Steve McGillis, Vancouver; Ken Poyneer, Brush Prairie

Position 5: Randy Mueller, Ridgefield; David Standal, Ridgefield; Patricia Reyes, Vancouver

District 2

Position 1: Rob Perkins, Vancouver; Thomas Hann, Camas; Joel Littauer, Vancouver

Position 2: Lloyd Halverson, Camas; Debbie Abraham, Brush Prairie; Tracy S. Wilson, Vancouver

Position 3: Judie Stanton, Vancouver; Jim Martin, Vancouver

Position 4: Paul Dennis, Camas; Adam Baldwin, Vancouver

Position 5: Chuck Miller, Camas; Jamie Hurly, Vancouver; Jake Smith, Vancouver

District 3

Position 1: Pat Jollota, Vancouver; D. Michael Heywood, Vancouver; Sunrise O'Mahoney, Vancouver; Carolyn Crain, Vancouver

Position 2: Val Ogden, Vancouver; Rob Figley, Vancouver; Paul Harris, Vancouver; Craig Riley, Vancouver

Position 3: Jim Moeller, Vancouver; Bruce A. Samuelson, Sr., Vancouver; Jerry W. Keen,Vancouver; Debbie Peterson, Vancouver

Position 4: Temple Lentz, Vancouver; Dan Barnes, Vancouver; Kris Fay, Vancouver; K. Peter Henrickson, Vancouver

Position 5: Jim Mains, Vancouver; Thomas Richard Higdon, Vancouver; John W. Caton, Vancouver; Jerry Oliver, Vancouver.

Position 5: Jim Mains, Vancouver; Thomas Richard Higdon, Vancouver; John W. Caton, Vancouver; Jerry Oliver, Vancouver.

The former Camas city administrator was among the first Monday morning to file for election to one of the Clark County charter freeholder positions.

Lloyd Halverson, who retired from his appointed city post in March after 24 years on the job, is seeking one of 15 freeholder positions that will be on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot. He is hoping to be one of five people chosen to represent Position 2 in District 2.

“If elected, my experience in local government, teamwork approach, and devotion to civility may prove helpful,” said the Camas resident. “The freeholder committee should listen, discuss, and then return to Clark County’s voters with a positive and modern recommendation.”

Halverson said the freeholder seat offers him a “perfect” opportunity. The position offers no pay, the group has a clear purpose, and there is a defined ending point.

“The clarity of the task is very intriguing,” he said.

Other Camas residents who were among those who filed for freeholder seats include former Camas mayor and current C-W Economic Development Association President Paul Dennis, as well as Chuck Miller and Thomas Hann.

A total of five non-partisan freeholder positions will be elected from each of the three Clark County commissioner districts.

As of this morning, 45 people had filed for the open seats.

The elected freeholders will have up to two years to draft a home rule charter for changes to Clark County government. The proposed charter would then be put to a public vote.

A county charter could include options such as giving citizens initiative and referendum power, establishing a legislative body with five or more commissioners instead of the current three, making the board of commissioners strictly legislative, making changes to elected or appointed officers, requiring county government to adopt a binding code of ethics, and creating new county positions or departments.

Six charter counties currently exist in Washington, including King, Clallam, Whatcom, Pierce, Snohomish and San Juan.

Freeholder candidates must be registered to vote in Clark County and reside in Clark County for at least the five years prior to the election.

Candidates must file for the freeholder district that represents the area where they live. The cities of Camas and Washougal, and its unincorporated areas, are located in Clark County Commission District 2.

To file a declaration of candidacy form by the Friday, at 5 p.m. deadline, visit the Clark County Elections at 1408 Franklin St., in Vancouver, or

Freeholders are paid no salary. There is no filing fee to become a candidate.

For more information, visit and then click on “2013 Freeholder Election Guidelines,” or call 397-2345.