The filing period for citizens wishing to become candidates for elective office open on Monday.
The in-person period to file a declaration of candidacy will begin at 8 a.m., Monday, May 13 and runs through 5 p.m., Friday, May 17. Candidates wishing to file for office in person can do so at the Clark County Elections Department, 1408 Franklin St., Vancouver.
Candidates for elective office will also have the option of filing their declaration of candidacy over the Internet. The online candidate filing system will be available at
from 9 a.m., Monday, May 13 to 4 p.m., Friday, May 17.
To file online as a candidate, a citizen must have a valid email address and be registered to vote in the jurisdiction for which they are filing. Candidates will also be able to pay any candidate filing fee online using a valid Visa or MasterCard credit card.
The filing fee for an office is 1 percent of the annual salary, for those positions paying an annual salary of $1,000 or more. For positions paying less than $1,000 per year, the fee is $10. If there is no annual salary, there is no fee.