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School notes for May 21, 2013

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Items needed for community sale to benefit teen with cancer

Spring cleaning? If so, items are needed for an upcoming community rummage sale and raffle to benefit a Camas High School freshman with cancer.

The student was diagnosed with stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma in February. Her friend, Brooke Armstrong, has been teaming up with other classmates to raise money for medical expenses. She’s gone door-to-door, put donation jars in local businesses and sent fundraising e-mails to family and friends.

In addition to household items, baked goods and volunteers to help with the sale are also needed.

Raffle items thus far include fire station tours with rides, restaurant certificates, sporting goods, gift baskets, personal chef services and more.

The community sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8, at Harvest Community Church, 2436 N.W. Astor St. To donate items or volunteer, call 503-804-4441 or e-mail

Papermaker Preschool opens enrollment

The Papermaker Preschool, located at Camas High School, has open enrollment for children who are 4 by Aug. 31. The morning session runs from 8:45 to 11:15 a.m., and the afternoon session runs from 12:45 to 3:15 p.m. The full-time preschool hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Part-time tuition is $230 per month, and full time tuition is $690 per month (nine-hour maximum per day). The preschool follows the Camas School District calendar.

For questions regarding the program or to schedule a visit, call the Career and Technical Education office at 833-7258.

To register, call Shanna Anderson or Becky Stauffer at 833-5410.

Snyder graduates from University of Nebraska

Washougal resident Dana Snyder graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at commencement exercises on May 3 and 4.

She received a bachelor of science degree.

The graduates were from 44 states and 36 countries.

Callison earns degree from University of Western Montana

Carissa Callison of Washougal has earned a bachelor of arts in biology from the University of Western Montana. Callison graduated magna cum laude on Saturday, May 11.

Skills Center student earns scholarship

Graduating seniors from the Clark County Skills Center have started to receive scholarship money to apply toward their secondary education, including Jesse Jordan of Camas High School.

Jordan is enrolled in the Skills Center Automotive Technology program, and received $500 from its Auto Tech Foundation.

Owned and operated by the 10 Clark County school districts, the Skills Center provides technical and professional training programs to prepare Clark County high school and college students for the workforce. Visit to learn more.

CHS senior to perform in TPB production

Hope Garcia, a Camas High School senior, will be graduating from The Portland Ballet this spring. She will end her years there with a role in the upcoming patriotic production “Stars and Stripes,” during Memorial Day weekend.

Garcia has attended summer intensives with the Corella Ballet in Spain and Connecticut’s Nutmeg Conservatory of the Arts, along with several roles at TPB. She was also profiled in a December issue of the Post-Record with her younger sister, Annie Garcia.

“Stars and Stripes” will run at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, May 24 and 25 at PCC Sylvania Performing Arts Center, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave., Portland. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for youth, and $15 for senior citizens, veterans and members of the military.

To purchase tickets, visit or call 503-452-8448.

In addition, there will also be an Academy Showcase on Saturday at 1 p.m., in the same location.

Pekkala wins Art Institute poster design competition

Camas resident Tiffany Pekkala, a Hayes Freedom High School senior, has earned a scholarship to the The Art Institute of Portland for her winning poster design contest entry.

She was a local winner in The Art Institutes of Americas for the Arts “You Can Create Tomorrow,” competition.

Pekkala, who placed second, won $1,000 toward her tuition at the Art Institute of Portland.

School bus safety poster winners announced

The judging for the National School Bus Safety Poster Contest is complete for the Camas School District. The winners are:

Division 1 (grades K-2): First-place, Keirra Thompson, kindergarten, Helen Baller Elementary.

Division 2 (grades 3-5): First-place, Kandai Shimada, fourth grade, Prune Hill Elementary; second-place, Katelyn Wagner, fourth-grade, Lacamas Heights Elementary; third-place, Spencer Goodwin, fourth-grade, Lacamas Heights Elementary.

Division 4 (special education): First-place, Noah Gibson, eighth-grade, Liberty Middle School.

The winners of each division were honored with a root beer float party at the Camas Transportation Department, and presented with a certificate, a photo with their winning poster and a goody bag.

The posters will be advanced to the next level of competition.

Each state division winner will receive $50 and will be entered into the national competition for an opportunity to win a savings bond valued at up to $1,000, and to have their poster displayed during 2014 School Bus Safety Week.