
Camas will ‘Spring Into History’ Saturday

Scavenger hunt will be the featured event

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This photo of Northeast Fourth Avenue in downtown Camas was taken in 1967. "Spring Into History Day" on Saturday will include a family-oriented scavenger hunt. This trivia contest will begin at 1 p.m., when participants will begin snapping digital photos of 25 locations in the business district. The winner of the associated raffle will receive the "Best of Camas Basket."

A family-oriented photo scavenger hunt is the centerpiece of an afternoon of Camas explorations being planned for Saturday.

The activity is part of “Spring Into History” month, sponsored by the Downtown Camas Association.

This weekend’s event will also include a walking tour, historic displays, kids’ activities, story-telling, history book signing, and a special unveiling. It will run from noon to 4 p.m., and starts outside at Northeast Fourth Avenue and Birch Street in downtown Camas.

“The DCA is proud to share the history of Downtown Camas with the community,” said Carrie Schulstad, executive director for the DCA. “Part of our mission is to help educate people about Camas’ unique past and to encourage appreciation of our town’s heritage. Plus, all of the activities planned for the 26th will be fun as well.”

Activities on Saturday will include:

o The photo scavenger hunt, which starts at 1 p.m., is a trivia contest, open to individuals or teams who have cell phones with a camera function. Clues for the hunt can be picked up at the Camas Public Library, 625 N.E. Fourth Ave., between 1 and 3 p.m.

Using smart phones, contestants will snap digital photos at 25 locations up and down the downtown business district, then take their phones to the finish line at Journey Church to have the photos checked and exchanged for raffle tickets. The church at 304 N.E. Fourth Ave.

The scavenger hunt concludes at 4 p.m. when one ticket holder will win “The Best of Camas Basket.”

o A ceremony celebrating the return of the book to the little girl statue at the fountain at Fourth and Cedar will begin at 12:30 p.m.

o From 1 to 3 p.m., local history will be the focus of “Hear a Story/Tell a Story,” a project that offers area residents the opportunity to stop by the Chamber of Commerce to tell a little about their history in Camas. The audio snippets will be collected by Suzy Truitt for DCA archives. At the same time, long-time resident Virginia Warren will be sharing her memories of growing up in Camas in an informal drop-in session in the lobby of Journey Church.

o Out on the sidewalk at 340 N.E. Fourth Ave., kids can learn the art of handmade paper and take home a sheet they make themselves. This craft, from 1 to 4 p.m., will be hosted by volunteers from Georgia-Pacific as a tribute to the paper mill that started the town.

o Local writer Rene’ Carroll, who recently published “Legendary Locals of Camas and Washougal,” will be selling her book at Runyan’s Jewelers, 327 N.E. Fourth Ave., from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

o A free walking tour of downtown will convene outside of Journey Church at Fourth and Birch at noon, and conclude at the ceremony for the bronze reading girl at 12:30. Leader Barbara Baldus has put together information on the history of the business district, complete with vintage photos.

For more information about Saturday’s events, visit