On Sunday, Oct. 19, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church is launching a new worship service called “The Table,” which will offer a very different experience from the traditional Sunday morning services.
According to a press release, “The Table, a gathering for all God’s people” will be offered every Sunday at 5 p.m. in the church parish hall. On the second Sunday of each month, a full meal will be shared as part of the worship service. On the nights that a full meal is not part of the liturgy, the worship will be in the round creating an intimate, interactive space for all to encounter God and one another.
This new service will be an informal gathering with unique collaborative sermons, accessible contemporary and traditional music with live instrumental accompaniment, the use of multimedia and children’s activities. Childcare will be provided.
All are welcome. “The Table” will be a place for believers and nonbelievers wanting to explore a relationship with God and their neighbors.
“St. Anne’s is excited to offer an alternative open and affirming opportunity to find connection to God and our community,” said Rev. Jessie Smith, vicar at St. Anne’s. “Sharing a meal and gathering for worship is so basic to the Christian faith (just take Jesus and the early church for example). In this new service we are remembering the basics of what it means to be a follower of Jesus in this post-modern world.”