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Special election ballots due Feb. 10

Ballots can be hand-delivered to drop-off sites on Election Day

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Special election ballots, which include a Washougal School District capital improvement bond proposition, must be postmarked by Feb. 10, to be counted.

For those who prefer to hand-deliver their completed ballots, on Feb. 10 they can be dropped off until 8 p.m. at the Washougal Community Center, 1681 “C” St., and in Vancouver at the Clark County Elections Office, 1408 Franklin St.

Voters in the Washougal School District will decide on a $57.68 million capital improvements bond.

If Proposition No. 5 is approved, it would fund projects including a new elementary school and a new middle school at the current site of Jemtegaard Middle School, as well as a small high school to replace the building currently used by Excelsior High School students. In addition, the money would support construction of a new transportation facility, and safety improvements at all seven of the district’s schools.

The 21-year bond is projected to increase taxpayer rates by 48 cents per $1,000 of assessed value. For the owner of a $300,000 home, taxes would increase by approximately $144 per year.

According to Clark County Elections Supervisor Cathie Garber, there are a total of 10,653 registered voters living within Washougal School District boundaries. As of Monday, 2,231 have returned their ballots.

Since this is a bond proposal, Garber said at least 2,512 valid ballots must be returned (a number that represents a 40 percent turnout based on the November 2012 general election). It also requires a 60 percent super majority to win. That means at least 1,507 people must vote “yes,” for the proposition to be approved.

The only other issue on Clark County ballots in this special election is in Hockinson, where voters are also being asked to approve a school facility improvement bond.

Election workers will start tabulating results at 6 p.m. Feb. 10. The first round of results, which will be posted on the Post-Record’s website at, will be released at approximately 8 p.m.

Ballots were mailed Jan. 22. Voters who have not received a ballot should contact the Clark County Elections Office at 397-2345, to request a replacement.

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