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A right and a privilege

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Without a doubt, the 2016 General Election at the national level will go down as one of the most bizarre, divisive and outright perplexing presidential election seasons in United States history.

Washington State and Clark County politics and campaigns in comparison seem rather tame, but their outcomes remain important as they have an impact how we live our daily lives and potentially on the area’s future landscape.

Decisions on races in the Third Congressional District, 18th Legislative District and Clark County Council are just a few of the choices that will be made this year.

Ballots must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, Nov. 8 to be counted. Voters can also drop their ballots off locally at the new 24-hour drop box located outside the Downtown Camas Post Office, 440 N.E. Fifth Ave.

In addition, on Election Day until 8 p.m., ballots can be dropped off in Camas at Dorothy Fox Elementary School, 2623 N.W. Sierra St., Grace Foursquare Church, 717 S.E. Everett Road, Helen Baller Elementary School, 1954 N.E. Garfield St., and Prune Hill Elementary School, 1601 N.W. Tidland St. In Washougal, ballots can be delivered to the Community Center located at 1681 “C” St.

Whether one is inspired to vote this year by the national presidential candidates or the people running for positions that have a more direct impact right here in Clark County, casting ballots is an incredibly important right and privilege that should not be diminished. It is the crux of American democracy.