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Project aims to beautify the south shore of Lacamas Lake

Volunteers are sought to help with the ongoing effort

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Andrew Burgoyne, Star Rank Boy Scout, Camas Troop 565, works to trim back some of the overgrown vegetation along the Heritage Trail. The Boy Scout Troop is partnering with the city of Camas to improve the habitat and beauty of the south shore of Lacamas Lake. (Contributed photo)

The City of Camas and Boy Scout Troop 565 are coming together to work toward improving the habitat and beauty of the south shore of Lacamas Lake. The organizations are hoping citizens will also step forward to join the effort.

The Heritage Trail Beautification Project will address the area’s need for stewardship and maintenance, particularly along the shared-use gravel trail, which meanders 3.5 miles along the south side of the lake. Trail heads are located at Northwest Lake Road and state Route 500 (at Heritage Park), and at Goodwin Road and Underwood Street.

Work will include invasive species removal, trail widening and general clean-up.

“This beautification and clean-up project fits perfectly into our vision for Heritage Trail – to make one beautiful and unique setting for people to enjoy from the new Lacamas Lake Lodge all the way to Camas Meadows Golf Course,” said Camas Mayor Scott Higgins.

Officials from the city and Boy Scouts want to recruit volunteers who have an interest in community improvement. Residents in neighborhoods adjacent to the lake have already begun stepping forward.

“The Lacamas Shores Homeowners’ Association is happy to support our local Boy Scouts, the City of Camas and our fellow neighbors to help beautify Heritage Trail running alongside Lacamas Lake,” the HOA said in a statement. “We appreciate this opportunity for our members to participate and will help call for additional volunteers for this project.”

According to a news release, the Boy Scouts have a long history of commitment to conservation and community service projects. Scout ranks and merit badges often require specific service project hours and/or conservation work in order to be awarded.

“I want to be a part of this conservation project so that when people are walking on the trail they can enjoy the beautiful views of the lake better,” said Andrew Burgoyne, a Star Rank Boy Scout with Troop 565.

For more information about the Heritage Trail Beautification project or to volunteer to help, contact Michael Burgoyne at

“Every day, hundreds of runners, walkers, bike riders and pet enthusiasts explore and exercise along the trail, and it needs some maintenance,” said Troop 565 Scoutmaster Allen Moses. “Please join us as we clear and widen the trail to its original condition, ensuring it remains one of our great city’s gemstones. We hope to see you there.”