Clark County Sheriff Chuck Atkins has submitted a package of budget requests for several upgrades to the Clark County Jail which are designed to reduce opportunities for inmates to commit suicide while in custody.
Atkins is requesting budget authority from the Board of County Councilors to replace the current jail beds with suicide resistant beds.
“We’ve already had three inmates commit suicide using their bed frames,” said Atkins. “I feel a strong responsibility to mitigate the risk of future suicides as much as possible and installing suicide-resistant bunks is a necessary first step.”
The Clark County Jail has already started converting older style ventilation screens to a suicide-resistant screen and has provided crisis intervention training to most corrections deputies and all newly hired corrections deputies.
“As much as we do to mitigate suicides, it seems to never be enough,” said Jail Chief Ric Bishop. “It’s very difficult to prevent someone from harming themselves, but we have an obligation to mitigate the risks as we identify them.”