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Sunday night fire destroys Camas home, displaces residents

Firefighters found Tampa Street home fully engulfed, but said there were no injuries and adjacent homes remain habitable

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Contributed Photo/Courtesy of Camas-Washougal Fire Department A fire destroyed this Southeast Tampa Street in Camas Sunday night and displaced its residents, but fire crews saved adjacent homes and there were no reported injuries.

A Sunday night structure fire off Southeast Tampa Street in Camas has destroyed a home and displaced its residents.

The Camas-Washougal Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire at 8 p.m. Sunday, May 21 at 704 S.E. Tampa St. in Camas. East County Fire and Rescue and Vancouver Fire Department also responded.

Upon arrival, firefighters found a single-home dwelling fully involved with fire. All residents had evacuated and no injuries were reported.

Fire crews worked defensively to contain the fire to the building of origin. Adjacent structures suffered exterior heat damage but remained habitable.

CWFD crews remained at the scene throughout the night, suppressing flair-ups and securing the structure until it could be turned over to the homeowner’s insurance company on Monday afternoon. Red Cross is providing shelter for the displaced residents.

The Fire Marshal’s office is investigating the cause of the fire.