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Letters to the Editor for Nov. 9, 2017

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Cartoon ‘venomous, malicious and spiteful’

How disgusting to observe your hateful political cartoon slamming our president of the United States of America in your Oct. 12, 2017 issue. There is no excuse for your negativity that undermines our fairly elected leader by publishing this venomous, malicious and spiteful attempt to discredit our president.

The bird “Tweeting” on its nest of hatefully labled eggs with grotesque creatuers breaking out of each eggshell is disgusting. You state your newspaper “strives for accuracy in its news reporting” — how about accuracy on your other pages of influence?

You owe it to your readers to be respectful to those in authority. You have missed the mark and have fallen far below the standard afforded you.

Barbara McHenry, Washougal

Hazen did not try to pull a fast one

This is in response to the issue regarding Tim Hazen and the retirement home. I’ve known Tim to be a responsible, caring, exceptionally kind and involved man. Having read articles that insinuated he was trying to pull a fast one, I attended the Parks and Recreation meeting for clarification. I was astounded!

I wanted to understand why he was being maligned. I received information at the meeting that we, as the Camas community, never received. We only got a piece of the whole and a slanted piece! There was not a “fast one” between Tim and the City Council. There was no evil intent. There were no back alley deals being made. Those assumptions were extremely far from the truth.

Tim has been an active member of Camas. He’s served on the City Council for six years. He’s been in charge of organizing the Camas Days Parade for 20 years! He’s the GOOD guy. The insinuation of the printed article was the culprit.

As a result, Tim has received scathing emails and nasty phone calls. Please stop! Given certain information, we all are guilty of making assumptions. In this instance, the information was incorrect and therefore the resulting assumptions were incorrect. Tim was simply seeking information. This whole uproar has caused unfair damage to Mr. Hazen and his family.

I, too, love our parkland and don’t want it to be sold. There was simply a question being asked … nothing else.

Please be assured that Tim continues to be a responsible, caring and exceptionally kind man. He is suffering for something he didn’t do.

Patricia Holt, Camas

Thanks for supporting affordable childcare act

I want to publicly thank Representative Jaime Beutler (R-WA) for her support and co-sponsorship of the Promoting Affordable Childcare for Everyone (PACE) Act.

This bi-partisan effort to support working families and their children during these tough economic times will go a long way toward helping the more than 152,000 families and 83,000 children under age 4, living under the poverty level in Washington right now. The first five years of a child’s life are critical. They provide the foundation that shapes the child’s future growth, development, health, and learning achievement, not only at school but in their overall lives. Affordable child care promotes work and helps kids participate in a quality early learning environment so they succeed in school it’s a win-win.

Since the cost for just one infant in a child care center in Washington averages about $15,600 a year, this really puts families living at or below the poverty level at a disadvantage, unless they’re able to receive assistance from legislation like the PACE Act. Childcare costs have risen so much that it is now less expensive to pay for in-state college tuition then child care. That puts quality child care out of reach for low- and middle-income Families.

Middle class families would also benefit from this legislation, receiving increased Child Dependent Care Tax Credits and refunds toward their child care, which we all know is all but unaffordable for most families in Washington.

I’m grateful for the leadership Rep. Beutler has shown in working with her colleagues across the aisle to make a difference in the lives of Washington families. Children are our most precious resource, and it’s heartening to know that Rep. Beutler understands and supports that.

Amy Roark, Washougal

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