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Holiday events

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Holly Days Bazaar this Saturday

The 2018 Camas Seniors Grad Night team presents its annual Holly Day Bazaar and Pancake Breakfast with Santa from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., this Saturday, Dec. 2, at Liberty Middle School, 1612 N.E. Garfield St., Camas.
The pancake breakfast with Santa will be from 9 to 11 a.m. Photos with Santa, face-painting and Santa’s Workshop will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
All proceeds go toward the 2018 drug- and alcohol-free grad night party for graduating Camas seniors.

Christmas Ships parade returns to the Port of C-W

The Port of Camas-Washougal welcomes the return of the Christmas Ships Parade for its annual appearance at the Marina on Saturday, Dec. 2.

Boaters with the festive fleet will first enjoy dinner at the Dolphin Yacht Club, and then assemble and parade near the marina, for approximately one hour, starting at 6 p.m.

Doors will open at 5 p.m., at the Port office, 24 S. “A” St., Washougal, to welcome in the public. There will be a performance by the Washougal High School Christmas Choir, as well as free cookies and hot cider in the port office meeting room.

There will also be a drawing for a goodie-filled tote. Additional information about the Christmas Ships Parade schedule can be found at

C-W Community Orchestra Holiday Concert is set for Dec. 9

The Camas-Washougal Community Orchestra invites community members to attend its annual holiday concert, featuring seasonal favorites and other selections at 5 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 9, at Camas United Methodist Church, 706 N.E. 14th Ave., Camas.

The orchestra is for people of all ages who want to practice and experience the joy of making music together. It is under the direction of Dr. Tatiana Kolchanova, an accomplished violinist, pianist and music arranger/composer, as well as a founder and teacher of the Music & Arts Academy in Camas.

Admission to the holiday concert is free, with refreshments following the program. Donations are appreciated.

For more information, visit

Temple Financial holds a blanket drive

Temple Financial will not be adopting families this year for the holidays, but instead will be doing a blanket drive.

Blankets of all types and sizes can be donated through Friday, Dec. 22, at the Temple office, 532 NE Third Ave., Ste. 200, Camas.

The blankets will benefit many local services and charities.

The goal is to collect at least 500 blankets this year.

“If our lobby isn’t filled to the brim with blankets, I’d be surprised,” said Temple co-owner Chris Foster. “Temple Financial clients have been so generous over the years, that I have no reason to believe this isn’t going to be a huge success.”

Anyone in the community is encouraged to donate.

Questions can be directed to Temple at 360-834-6470.

Fuel Medical takes Toys for Tots until Dec. 15

Fuel Medical Group, LLC is supporting the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation by serving as the primary toy donation station in Clark County.

New, unused, unwrapped toys can be dropped off Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., through Friday, Dec. 15, to Fuel Medical Group, 314 N.E. Birch St., in downtown Camas.

Fuel is partnering with several other businesses throughout the area in order to make drop-offs convenient. They include Cake Happy, 340 N.E. Fourth Ave., Camas; Riverside Dental, 2016 N.E. 3rd Ave., Camas; Rebound, 3101 S.E. 192nd Ave., Ste. 103, Vancouver; Universal Jiu Jitsu, 217 N.E. 4th Ave., Camas; and Gaynor’s Automotive, 15600 S.E. Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver.

“Our donations will benefit children in Clark County and bring holiday joy to a child near you,” said Lenore Molina, Controller with Fuel Medical Group.

The Toys for Tots program, begun by Maj. Bill Hendricks in 1947, provides toys for nearly seven million children each year.

Shawn Parker and Brendan Ford founded Fuel Medical Group in 2009. For more information, call 360-210-5658 or visit and click on the Toys for Tots logo.

Washougal lights up for holidays

The City of Washougal and the Downtown Washougal Association (DWA) are teaming up to kick off the holiday season with the annual Lighted Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting on Thursday, Dec. 7.

This year’s parade is dedicated to the memory of Scott Campbell, the former Waste Connections governmental and community affairs director who died Sept. 17, 2017.

The parade will begin at 6 p.m., proceed along Main Street and end at Reflection Plaza where the tree lighting will take place at 6:30 p.m.

Washougal is accepting applications for parade participants. Entry is free, and all entries must be lighted in some fashion. Awards will be given for Best Use of Lights, Santa’s Choice and, for the first time this year, Best New Entry.

“Entries include local clubs, businesses, organizations and others throughout the community,” said Rose Jewell, assistant to the Mayor and parade organizer. “Being a part of the parade is a wonderful way to let people know about your group and show support for our community. Enjoy the festivities with family and friends in Washougal’s downtown living room.”

Applications are due by Monday, Dec. 4 and can be found at City Hall, 1701 “C” St., and online at

During and after the parade, the city will serve complimentary cookies, hot cocoa and coffee. Entertainment will include musical and dance performances by high school students.

“The Downtown Washougal Association encourages everyone to come early and grab a bite to eat at a local restaurant, or shop at one of the local businesses, before and after the parade,” said DWA Board President Heena Dwivedy. “By supporting our local businesses, you help the business and our community thrive.”

Santa Claus is always the very special guest, and he will bring up the end of the parade. He will also pass out candy canes and be available for free photos with children of all ages, compliments of Windows on Life Photography.

Other sponsors include Waste Connections, Riverview Community Bank and Starbucks.

“This community holiday event is a great way to get into the spirit of the season!” Dwivedy said. “I hope everyone will come and join us!”

Washougal Library to host festivities before parade

Prior to the Christmas parade and tree lighting in downtown Washougal, there will be a winter wassail celebration from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 7, in the Washougal Community Library, 1661 “C” St.

Jeffree White, owner of Washougal School of Music, will provide live music, and Columbia Ridge Senior Living and the Friends of the Washougal Library will offer refreshments. The Friends also will have a selection of books available to purchase, to benefit the Washougal Community Library Building Fund.

Kick off the holiday season in Stevenson

Christmas in the Gorge comes to Stevenson, the weekend of Dec. 1 through 3. Enjoy the small town atmosphere and begin your holiday fun in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge.

The celebration begins on Friday, Dec. 1, in downtown Stevenson. Many local businesses will host open houses throughout the day with holiday refreshments and special sales. At 6:30 p.m., caroling begins in the Courthouse Plaza, and the Courthouse Christmas tree will be lit at 6:55 p.m.

Bagpipers lead the procession and the Starlight Parade starts at 7 p.m. with a variety of fire, emergency and decorated vehicles ablaze with lights. A traveling trophy will be awarded to the most festive entry.

Cookies, hot cocoa and cider will be available on Highway 14 during the parade, courtesy of Skamania Lodge, iQ Credit Union and Big River Grill. The Church of Latter-day Saints will showcase a large display of nativities gathered from across the world.

Saturday morning’s fun begins with breakfast with Santa at Rock Cove Assisted Living Center in Stevenson. A free continental breakfast and pictures with Santa will be served. Donations of canned food for a local food bank will be accepted at breakfast.

Make gift giving easier this year by shopping at the handcrafted arts and crafts bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 2. The bazaar is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Exhibit Hall at the Skamania County Fairgrounds. Choose from handmade items including quilts, fleece, pottery, paintings, baked goods and jewelry. Santa will visit for photos with children.

The Skamania County Lion’s Club will sponsor a holiday bazaar at Stevenson Elementary School from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The annual cookie fair, children’s crafts, book and baked goods sale all take place on Saturday along with a Harvest Community dinner in the evening. Join in an old fashioned sing-a-long of carols at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum, and open houses will continue at the businesses in Stevenson.

Skamania Lodge has a variety of special events, including their traditional Gift of Music and elf story time. For a full schedule of activities at Skamania Lodge, visit Wrap up the weekend with brunch at the lodge on Sunday, Dec. 3. The festivities continue with the nativity displays and business open houses.

For more information and the full schedule of activities, visit, or or call 800-989-9178.