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Camas to talk about NW Brady Road improvements at open house

Public invited to learn about street project at 5 p.m., Thursday, April 26

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The city of Camas will host an open house on the Northwest Brady Road Street Improvements Project between Northwest 16th and Northwest 24th avenues from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 26, at Camas-Washougal Fire Station 42, 4321 N.W. Parker St., Camas.

The improvements will consist of widening the roadway to include one-lane in each direction, a common left turn refuge, bike lane, sidewalks and stormwater conveyance and treatment.

All interested persons are invited to join.  For those unable to attend the open house or would like additional information, please call Jim Hodges, project manager, at 360-817-7234 or via email at or call Jim Carothers at 360-817-1561 or via email at

The city will try to ensure that persons with special needs are accommodated or to provide translation services for non-English speaking persons.  To request assistance, please call 360-834-6864 or  visit at least three working days prior to the open house.