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Letters to the Editor for July 26, 2018

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category icon Letters to the Editor, Opinion

County needs to immediately shut down Washougal rock quarry

The runaway dump truck from Zimmerly quarry flew across Southeast Evergreen Highway and onto the train tracks. This was the final wake-up call to Clark County officials. This quarry is currently operating without permits. They are running almost 200 trucks a day out Southeast Evergreen Highway onto state Highway 14. Anyone who must use that east-end intersection is well aware of the dangerous backup while trucks enter and exit Highway 14. Now we have had our first near fatality from one of the many trucks flowing onto our roads. Just imagine if there been an oil train passing through on the tracks. That could have caused an explosion. The radius of an exploding oil car is about 1 mile. Just imagine — with the school right there!

That quarry may have been fine in the ’70s, but its permit has long since expired and now there are too many homes, too much traffic and a new, larger school right next door to give permits for such heavy truck traffic. We can’t risk having one of those trucks T-bone a school bus. Clark County needs to shut that quarry down immediately.

Sherri Irish, Washougal

Independent supports Carolyn Long for 3rd District

Following President Trump’s shocking comments made at the Helsinki Summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, I immediately contacted my current House Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler. As a proud American who believes in the power of our representative democracy, I would have hoped to see some leadership in her speaking out against the President’s comments. However, there was only silence. Ms. Herrera Beutler put politics over people.

As an independent voter in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, I wholeheartedly support Carolyn Long as my next Representative. Carolyn Long has shown that she listens to the voters by holding town halls in front of almost 2,000 people since the start of her campaign. She has committed to continuing to hold town halls if elected. Carolyn Long will be a representative who listens to her constituents.

She is holding these town halls to listen to you, regardless of your politics.

Jacob McGrew, Camas

McDevitt ‘has citizens’ best interests at heart’

I support David McDevitt for U.S. Congress in Washington State’s 3rd Congressional District because he is an honest, straightforward, intelligent, hardworking statesman, who I believe has our citizens’ best interests at heart.

I have had the pleasure of working and interacting with McDevitt on several occasions. I appreciate his transparency — beginning last year, he held numerous in-person town halls all over the 3rd District and continues to do so this year. I have witnessed him answering all questions honestly and thoughtfully.

Also, his education and business experiences are admirable, and I believe these qualities have prepared McDevitt to hold public office. He is a licensed attorney who has worked in corporate finance, budgeting and business planning, which gives him the skills to participate in congressional appropriations and budget balancing.

Finally, McDevitt refuses to take campaign money from any corporations, businesses or other groups that are not in line with our values. He told me that he doesn’t want to feel pressured to vote a certain way to appease those contributors. Instead, McDevitt relies on small donations from the public and is funding a majority of his campaign himself. This reassures me that he has the public’s best interest at heart.

In conclusion, for the Washington State primary election on Aug. 7, 2018, I strongly encourage people to vote for David McDevitt, whether they are Democrats, Republicans or Independents.

Nicole Chinakos, Vancouver

Re-elect Kraft, she works for the people

Maybe you’ve seen State Representative Vicki Kraft at a place you’ve been? She’s our 17th district state representative. I see her everywhere I go. She’s in touch with the people. Elected officials among the people are most likely to know what is important to the people. She works and continues work on the following:

  • No tolls. Not ever.
  • Helping small businesses in creating jobs.
  • Protecting our safety.
  • Getting services our community needs.

Re-Elect State Representative Vicki Kraft to work hard for us.

Lisa Bayautet, Vancouver

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