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Letters to Editor for Sept. 20, 2018

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Police thankful for outgoing Camas Mayor Scott Higgins

On behalf of the Camas Police Officers Association, we would like to wish Mayor Scott Higgins happiness and success as he moves on to the next chapter in his life. We have always appreciated your support and friendship over the years. Thank you for giving us your trust, and for understanding the unique and dynamic relationships police officers can have with their community. We truly wish you all the best, Scott.

With respect, Your Camas police officers

Politics of divide, continued

In California, the Democratic Party recently attacked the world famous In & Out Burger for donating to the Republican Party. This event and the three letters to the editor in the Aug. 23, 2018, Post-Record proves my point I made in previous letters to The Post-Record: Politicians on the left have no ideas/solutions to promote and if they do, they firmly believe that those ideas/solutions will not help them win in this coming election. So, what are we subject to? A tripling down of the politics of divide, and this bad logic: Trump is a racist/Nazi; Trump is Republican; therefore the GOP and its donors need to be attacked. Or, per the letters cited above: Let’s stick it to Trump; vote for Carolyn Long. No ideas, solutions, logic?

In my previous letters I cited the media as driving this hate narrative and the Camas-Washougal Post-Record opinion editors are guilty of this, and I will state it again: Camas/Clark County with the finest schools and educators is not a place for opinions that defy logic, spew hate and divide people. The Post-Record does not publish fake news — no way; but their opinion editors are driving hate narratives not unlike the 24/7 national media that divide people and certainly appears to influence people to make a vote completely driven by hate and vengeance. The disservice here is that we have a wealth of problems (homeless, debt, over-taxation, unconstitutional war for starters) in this country/state that need to be addressed by politicians, yet again as I pointed out, almost all politicians very well enjoy playing in the mud. It is just the way they want it because all they care about is their power, donors and career. They must win the election at any cost — issues be damned. Could I be wrong, or is there some pretty serious brain washing going on via our media we consume? Or, maybe Western Civilization really is losing what has made it great: reason.

Washougal (teachers): Yes, you are going to get paid more. You are not going to catch up to Evergreen and Camas, and get the same raises they are getting all at the same time. There is no money to sustain that. Change your contracts to longer than a year and write in them a gradual pay increase over the next three years that is sustainable. Still get the one they have offered, but be realistic.

How can we solve the overcrowded classes by using all the money on salary increases, and not hiring more teachers to make the class sizes smaller?

I am not the only one who feels this way. Imagine all the residents and community members who don’t have kids. Do you think you will ever see more money voted in for anything if some people see this kind of childishness between both sides?

“Freedom” Frank Alonzo, Camas

Long cares enough to meet constituents face-to-face

Before casting your vote for Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler this November, please consider this almost unbelievable issue: During the last two years, Carolyn Long has held 37 face-to-face town hall meetings. Jaime has held zero. Which one of these candidates cares enough to meet their constituents face-to-face and listen to what they have to say? My vote goes to Carolyn Long.

Don Howard, Camas

Celebrate recovery in September

September is National Recovery Month, an initiative sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Recovery Month presents an opportunity for communities to celebrate those that are recovering and have recovered from substance use disorders.

Every year, millions of Americans experience a substance use or mental health condition. It’s important that we offer support to these members of our community. In fact, we need to go beyond offering support and start creating environments and relationships that promote acceptance.

When we offer support instead of judgment, when we encourage people to seek help, we send the message that recovery is possible. Substance use disorders affect people of all ethnicities, ages, genders, geographic regions, and socioeconomic levels. People across society need to know that help is available, and that treatment works. When we tell stories that suggest someone “failed” or “blew it” or was weak, we perpetuate the myth that these disorders are moral failings. They’re not — they are chronic health conditions that need treatment but that can be effectively managed.

I hope all community members will join the celebration and help stem the incidence of mental and substance use disorders, as well as the stigma surrounding them. Let people know that free, confidential help is available 24 hours a day through SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-487-4889 (TDD).

Jared Sanford, CEO, Lifeline Connections, Camas

Herrera Beutler works for Southwest Washington

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler works for Southwest Washington. She graduated from Prairie High School, earned a degree at the University of Washington, then served as a legislative aide for Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers (Spokane). From 2007 to 2010, she was a Washington State Representative (18th District), then was elected to congress in Southwest Washington. She lives in Clark County with her family.

Candidate for Congress Carolyn Long states she grew up on the coast, and worked in the produce business, yet omits the state, Oregon. According to public records, Long and her husband bought a house in Salem, Oregon, in 1996, then bought a new house in Salem in 2003 and are still listed as owners. In July 2017, they bought a condo in Vancouver, Washington.

Oregon plans to toll the Interstate 5 (I-5) and Interstate 205 (I-205) bridges and push for costly Oregon light rail into Clark County. Rep. Herrera-Beutler represents Southwest Washington interests,

From her website: “I-5 is a federal highway, and I will continue to ensure that federal resources are available for a safe, affordable I-5 bridge across the Columbia River that reduces congestion and helps our ports and businesses move freight more efficiently. Clark County residents have rejected light rail as a component of this bridge on multiple county-wide ballots, and I will respect the will of the voters.” She sponsored legislation on the impacts of tolls that gives Washington a voice.

Rep. Herrera-Beutler has a long record of solutions for Southwest Washington. For more details, visit

Margaret Tweet, Camas

Nothing wrong with the direction of Trump Administration

In response to the “Elect Long, help change direction of current administration” letter to the editor, which appeared in the Sept. 13, 2018 Camas-Washougal Post-Record, what is wrong with the direction of the Trump Administration? Take a look at the direction of this Administration:

1. Lower unemployment. More jobs than applicants. A benefit for all races and genders.

2. More opportunities for savings and growth in retirement accounts. Have you looked at your 401k/403b or IRA lately?

3. Less crime in the streets as more people are gainfully employed.

4. A substantially larger paycheck because of pay increases and lower taxes, which produce a higher net pay for nearly all workers.

5. More people going from part-time to full-time employment.

6. Less chance of conflict with North Korea as we are finally talking to each other.

7. Potentially better trade deals with other countries to improve our economy.

8. Small businesses with income of less than $315,000 can grow faster and hire new employees as a result of the Tax Reform Bill that was passed.

There is a lot more to do to improve things for our citizens and changing the direction could lose all that we have gained in the past several months.

Before voting in November, you need to ask yourself if you are doing better or worse since the beginning of 2017, and then vote accordingly.

If you want to pay more taxes and have less of an opportunity to improve your current job situation and less chance of a comfortable retirement and have a higher “Medicare For All” cost run by an inept federal government, then let’s change the direction.

Carl Keels, Camas

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