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Walk & Knock asks to community to ‘Drive & Drop’ on Dec. 5

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The annual Walk & Knock one-day food drive will still take place this year, but has changed its way of collecting food during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead of distributing grocery bags and picking them up, the food drive organizers are asking Southwest Washington residents to “Drive & Drop” this year from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5.

“There’s a great need in our community this year, and we’re finding a new way to meet it,” said Walk & Knock President Tom Knappenberger. “Our Board would not consider postponing or canceling, so we’ve come up with a way to collect food and money that keeps everyone safe.”

The following locations will accept non-perishable food or toiletry items during the Dec. 5 food drive:

ERS Rental Group, 754 S.E. Union St., Camas

Clark County Food Bank, 6502 N.E. 47th Ave., Vancouver

Chucks Produce, 2302 N.E. 117th St., Vancouver

Hudson’s Bay High School, 1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver

Parkrose Hardware, 16509 S.E. First St., Vancouver

Wal-Mart, 14505 N.E. Fourth Plain Blvd., Vancouver

Lewisville Intermediate Campus, 406 N.W. Fifth Ave., Battle Ground

View Ridge Middle School, 3215 S. Hillhurt Road, Ridgefield

Riverview Community Bank branches as well as Les Schwab Tire Centers and Cost Less Auto Parts locations will also accept donations Dec. 1-14.

Donations also can be made online at or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 353, Vancouver, WA 98666.

Organized in 1985 by local service clubs, the annual food drive has collected more than 8.5 million pounds of food and more than $300,000.

Walk & Knock is an all-volunteer organization made up of local Lions Club, Kiwanis, Rotary Club and Clark County Amateur Radio Club members, as well as area Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts troops, local trucking companies and volunteers from area churches and schools. Lead sponsors include Riverview Community Bank, Bank of America, Cost Less Auto Parts and McDonalds.

For more information, visit