Opponents of a proposed gas station, car wash and convenience store complex near the intersection of Northeast 13th Street and Northwest Friberg-Strunk Street in northeast Camas will have another chance to voice their concerns this month, during a Dec. 12 appeal hearing before Camas Hearings Examiner Joe Turner.
Turner continued the appeal hearing from Nov. 14 to Dec. 12 to give more time for the applicant and the project’s opponents to consider new information from the Washington Department of Health (DOH), which brought up possible issues involving aquifer recharge areas.
According to a DOH email, “a considerable portion” of the city of Camas is within the Troutdale Aquifer System Source Area designated by the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Combined with the City’s wellhead protection areas, DOH staff stated in their email to Turner, would appear to place “the majority of the city” into a critical aquifer recharge area, which could interfere with the applicant’s desire to build a gas station at 20101 N.E. 13th St., about one-half mile from Union High School.
“The Department of Health submitted an email noting that there is confusion about which map applies under the City’s code,” Turner told a crowd who had shown up to the Nov. 14 appeal hearing. “They submitted (the email) maybe two hours before the hearing. They said there are a number of maps that show critical recharge aquifer areas and other groundwater resource areas that may be within the scope of the City’s ordinance for critical recharge areas. Depending on how the (critical recharge aquifer areas) are defined, it could preclude the use of a gas station on this site.”
The email prompted the project applicant to request a continuance, which Turner granted, setting the new appeal hearing date for 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12, inside Council Chambers at Camas City Hall, 616 N.E. Fourth Ave., and online via Zoom.