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Camas seeks public input on ‘Our Camas 2045’

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The city of Camas is seeking public input ahead of its “Our Camas 2045” citywide planning efforts.

“Your voice matters, and we want to hear from you,” the City stated on its Engage Camas website earlier this month. “As part of our commitment to building a thriving community, we invite you to participate in the ‘Our Camas 2045’ vision survey to establish a new community vision for the City’s comprehensive plan update (Our Camas 2045) and its sister project, the downtown subarea plan (Our Downtown Camas 2045).

The confidential survey, which asks citizens to tell City officials what they would like to see in Camas over the next two decades, is available online at

“This brief survey consists of questions that delve into the aspects you appreciate most about Camas, what can improve and who should be engaged throughout this process,” the City stated. “The survey should take no more than five to 10 minutes.”