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School notes for Oct. 19, 2010

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category icon Announcements

Prune Hill PTA sets costume dance and auction

The Prune Hill Elementary School PTA will host a costume dance and auction from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29 at the school, 1601 N.W. Tidland St.

Admission is $10 per family, and includes a dance and games. Costumes are encouraged as well.

Maui Wowie will be selling smoothies and Bellagios will have pizza.

There will be a silent auction for the adults, which includes items such as a hot air balloon rides, a fire truck birthday party, flooring and installation, and two nights at an Oregon Coast rental home.

All proceeds will go toward teacher grants, assemblies, service events, and other programs.

Mount Pleasant sets fall carnival

Mount Pleasant Elementary School is hosting a fall carnival from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22 at the school, 152 Marble Road, in Washougal.

All are welcome and encouraged to wear costumes. There will be games, prizes, a cake walk, silent auction and food.

The Mount Pleasant Parent/Teacher Committee is running this event and will use the proceeds for programs and events that benefit the students.

Skills Center hosts fall dinner

The Clark County Skills Center will host its first gourmet dinner of the school year with “Celebrating the Northwest’s Harvest.” Doors open to the public at 6:30 p.m. in the Skills Center restaurant, 12200 N.E. 28th St., Vancouver.

The dinner is planned, prepared, hosted and served by students enrolled in the Skills Center Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts program.

This year’s menu includes a roasted butternut squash soup, roasted pork loin with toasted hazelnuts, and a pear tart with shaved white chocolate.

Tickets are $25 per person ($12.50 is tax-deductible), and must be purchased in advance by calling Robbin McColley at 604-1050.

For more information, call 604-1050 or log onto

JAS program needs volunteers

Washougal High School seniors involved with the Jobs Acquisition Skills class are seeking volunteers from the business community for informational interviews. The interviews will take place through Tuesday, Nov. 23.

Students will call volunteers, and come to their place of business with an updated resume, cover letter, and reference page. They are expected to ask questions about the volunteer’s occupation.

Those interested in volunteering are asked to e-mail Marsha Spencer at

Pie sales support WHS Grad Night

The Washougal High School 2011 Grad Night Committee is selling some sweet treats for a good cause.

Orders are being taken for pies handmade by the Willamette Valley Fruit Company. The 9 inch pies are available in flavors including cherry crunch, American apple, marionberry, raspberry-rhubarb and pumpkin chiffon.

Cost is $13 for each fruit pie and $14 for pumpkin chiffon. A portion of the proceeds goes to fund the drug-and alcohol-free graduation night party of the WHS class of 2011.

Orders must be placed and paid for by Friday, Oct. 29. Pies will be delivered the week of Nov. 15, in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.

To place an order, contact Corrine Fuchs at