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School notes for Aug. 9, 2011

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Locals graduate from University of Idaho

Area students earned degrees from the University of Idaho recently.

They include Camas students Jordan Alexander Hensley, bachelor of arts degree in political science; and Jessica Elizabeth Pollack, juris degree.

Garden spaces available

There are six partially planted garden plots available for anyone to adopt at Excelsior High School in Washougal. The beds were planted by the students with the intention to have community members tend and harvest these during the summer.

For more information or to adopt a bed, contact Kris Alexander at 695-5627.

Symphony seeking auditions

The Junior Symphony of Vancouver is seeking auditions for its annual holiday concert. The auditions, by appointment only with application, will occur on Thursday, Sept. 15. Applications are available at

Auditions are open to young musicians of Southwest Washington and Oregon. Call 696-4084 for more information.

Local girl to donate lamb auction proceeds

Kajsa Winther, 13, is raising two lambs for the Clark County Fair Junior Livestock Auction and has a goal of placing high in the market lamb show.

Winther is then going to take the money raised on the sale of her first market lamb sold and donate it to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. She is hoping to donate at least $500.

In 2010 Winther’s friend Brandon Brauns from Seattle, Wash., died at the age of 11 after fighting a long battle with a brain tumor.

Consequently, she wanted to find a way to carry on his legacy of wanting to give back selflessly.

Last year, after seeing another 4-H member and the community come together during the Clark County Fair Junior Livestock Auction to support a cause, Winther wanted to do something similar for her friend.

After the fair last year, she told her mother she wanted to donate a lamb. This year, she is making that happen.

Winther’s friend Brauns was a patient at St. Jude, which is the only pediatric cancer research center where families never pay for treatment not covered by insurance. No child is ever denied treatment because of the family’s inability to pay.

This is Kajsa’s second year in the market lamb project. She also participates in other 4H projects such as horses, cats, cooking, public speaking, arts/crafts, shooting sports, performing arts and other various activities that 4H has to offer.

She also plays soccer and runs track.

Kajsa will attend Washougal High School in the fall.

Local host families needed for students

ASSE International Student Exchange Programs is seeking local host families for international students ages 15 to 18, who are coming to the area for the upcoming high school year or semester. They are conversant in English.

The exchange students arrive from their home country shortly before school begins and return at the end of the school year or semester.

The students are pre-screened and have their own money.

For more information call 1-800-733-2773.