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Kindergarten ’round-up’ set for Washougal schools

Children must turn 5 before Aug. 31

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Registration for children entering kindergarten at Cape Horn-Skye, Gause, and Hathaway elementary schools for the 2011-2012 school year will be held Monday, May 2 to Friday, May 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the school where the child will attend.

Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before Aug. 31.

Parents must present the following for admission: An original birth certificate, proof of vaccinations as required by Washington law, and a completed, signed certificate of immunization status form.

Washington state law requires school age children receive specific immunizations in order to attend school, or certification of exemption to attend school.

The Washougal School District works with the Washington State Department of Health to comply with state law on required vaccinations.

Students will not be assigned to classes until the certificate of immunization form has been turned in with the vaccines required for school attendance documented.