A daughter has been born to Aaron and Trenna Xavier of Vancouver.
Charlotte Emily Xavier was born July 13, 2014, at Legacy Hospital in Vancouver.
She weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.
She joins a brother, Charles Max Xavier, at home.
Grandparents are Jerry and Julie Barr of Washougal. Great-grandparents are Jim and Lois Barr of Washougal.
A son has been born to Raphael and Jennifer Wust of Switzerland.
Timon Oliver Wust was born June 27, 2014. He weighed 5 pounds and was 18 inches long.
Grandparents are Gene and Cathy Cox of Washougal, and Mara Widmer and Herbert Wust, both of Switzerland. Great-grandmother is Sophie Widmer of Switzerland.