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School notes for Feb. 4, 2014

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Camas School District sets Childfind screening

There will be free screenings for all children ages 3 to 5 living in the boundaries of the Camas School District on Wednesday, Feb. 19.

The screenings test children in hearing, vision, speech, concepts and motor development, and last approximately one hour. Results are confidential and shared with parents only. Call the Special Services Department at 833-5570 for an appointment.

Local teachers earn national certification

Fifty-three teachers in the ESD 112 region achieved National Board Certification this year, including Stewart Morgan from the Camas School District and Kathryn Anholt, the first Mount Pleasant School District teacher to earn this distinction.

Washington state ranked first in the country in the number of new nationally certified teachers, at 516.

Certification is a one- to three-year-long introspective process that requires teachers to submit a four-part portfolio and a six-exercise content and pedagogy assessment.

The four entries document a teacher’s success in the classroom as evidenced by his or her students’ learning. A national panel of peers then assesses the portfolio.

Considered the “gold standard” for teaching excellence, this year 7,333 teachers across the nation achieved this distinction.

A report by the National Research Council found that students who were taught by board certified teachers show higher gains on achievement tests than those taught by other teachers.

National Board Certified Teachers must demonstrate advanced teaching knowledge, skills and practices. Completion of the certification process signifies that teachers have developed and demonstrated the skills required of an accomplished professional educator.

Local student named to dean’s list at Belmont

Kaitlyn Smith of Camas was named to the Fall 2013 dean’s list at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.

To qualify for the list, a student must earn at least a 3.5 GPA.

Webberley lands on honor roll

Austin Webberley of Camas was named to the fall term honors list at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa.

To qualify for the honors list, a student must earn between a 3.65 and 3.99 GPA.

Volunteer opportunities available at CSD

There are two different volunteer opportunities with the Camas School District.

The first is at Camas High School’s Job Acquisition Skills program. Those with experience conducting job interviews who would like to share their expertise with students are asked to apply. The JAS program is for high school juniors. Students “apply” for jobs and local community members conduct mock interviews for the positions. The interviewers then give the students feedback on their résumés, interview skills, and appearance. The 2014 JAS interview dates are Wednesday and Thursday, March 19-20.

To volunteer, contact

The second volunteer opportunity is with the Camas Educational Foundation. The non-profit schools foundation is seeking a co-chairperson for its annual auction, which is a primary fundraiser.

Contact Mandy Huth at for more information.