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Opportunities for enrichment

Community Education programs offer activities for all ages

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Community education programs in Camas and Washougal offer classes and activities for all age levels. Here, elementary students learn how to play chess.

Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill, work up a sweat or have the kids try something new after school, opportunities abound with Camas and Washougal community education offerings.

The city of Camas also offers classes through the Parks and Recreation department.

Community education programs work in partnership with the local school districts, so that students who attend classes are often able to take them at their local school, or are transported via bus to the class locations.

New classes at Camas Community Education include MineCraft, after school Chinese and Success Through Chess for middle school students.

Returning favorites are Success Through Chess for elementary school, and Art Van-Go Drawing and Art Van-Go Paints. All classes are taught by community members, coaches, facilitators or others with expertise in a particular area.

“Most everyone comes to us with an idea and I usually am game with trying anything,” said Mary Weishaar, Camas Community Education director. “Most classes go and we continue offering (them).”

Kathy Douglas, Washougal Community Education class coordinator, noted that the goal of the organization is to meet the needs of east county citizens with programs that are relevant to the area’s unique lifestyle.

“Community Education classes are local, safe, inexpensive and taught by area residents that want to share their expertise with you,” she said.

Some new offerings in Washogual this year for kids include Lego Robotics, Minecraft Camp and beginner’s golf. Adults can try their hand at volleyball for both intermediate and advanced players.

Returning favorites include competitive wrestling, Tae Kwon Do, Mad Science and Mathemagician’s Club for students; and ballroom dance, Zumba, yoga and wood carving for adults.

Weishaar noted that taking a class is a good way to meet others in the community.

“People can enrich their lives, stay active in the community and learn new things,” she said.

The following is a sampling of local classes:

Camas Community Education

841 N.E. 22nd Ave., Camas, 833-5544

*Minecraft series: All students meet one night a week at the Camas High School technology room.

Completing assignments at home is expected. CHS teacher Ron Wright will lead the series, which includes and intro to Minecraft, Minecraft for educators and Minecraft programming. The fee is $55 to $65.

*Camas youth basketball leagues: The recreational team is for students in third through sixth grade.

Coaches will focus on team work, building skills, fundamentals and having fun. Registrations must be received by Oct. 17. Practices begin the week of Monday, Nov. 3 and games start in January. The fee is $95.

*Korean martial arts: Those ages seven to adult learn the traditional Korean martial art of Soo Bahk Do, taught by nationally certified instructors.

Fees range from $105 to $127 per session, with a $30 discount for immediate family members. The next class series begins Nov. 3.

Washougal Community Education

4855 Evergreen Way, Washougal, 954-3040

*Lego Robotics: Students in third through sixth grade will build Lego robotic arms and hands that pick up objects.

Pizza and juice will be served. The fee is $30 and the course is offered from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 10.

*Guiding Good Choices: The class is designed for parents to gain useful tools for staying connected to children as they transition into middle school and beyond.

The free, five-week class includes dinner and childcare. The series begins in October. To register, call 635-7449 or

*Spanish, beginning and advanced: For adults who want to learn conversational Spanish. Classes begin Tuesday, Sept. 30, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. for advanced students, and 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 2, for beginning students.

The fee is $65 to $70. A textbook may be purchased for an additional $13.

Camas Parks & Recreation

Lacamas Lake Lodge,

227 N.E. Lake Road, Camas, 834-5307

Programs for children include: Kung Fu, basketball league, Kidz Love Soccer, flag football, orienteering, Free Recycled Art, Music Together, Tiny Tots Tumbling, Pee Wee Super Sports, Busy Bees Preschool, Winter Break Camp, Adventures in Drama, Create Your Own Story Book and Babysitter Training.

Programs for adults include: Vinyasa Yoga, metabolic conditioning, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Weight Watchers and Baby Boot Camp.

Programs for Seniors include: Cultural bus tours, Enhance Fitness and bingo.