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School notes for June 23, 2015

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Camas student named to dean’s list

Xinyang Chen of Camas was named to the dean’s list for spring semester at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

This designation is awarded to undergraduate students who have a 3.0 or higher semester GPA.

GU names locals to dean’s list

Several Camas students have been named to the Gonzaga University dean’s list for spring semester 2015.

Students must earn between a 3.5 to 3.69 GPA to be listed.

They include Annika Claudine Bales, Jordan Mikayla Lindstrom and David A. Woodson.

WSU announces president’s honor roll

Washington State University has announced its President’s Honor Roll for the spring semester. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a minimum of nine graded hours and earn a semester GPA of 3.75 or earn a 3.50 cumulative GPA based on 15 cumulative hours of graded work.

Camas students include: Mahrukh Ahsan, Jonathan David Alex, James Eugene Antonov, Cassandra Annette Brickert, Christin Lee Button, Lacee Lorraine Case, Ellina Chepelyuk, Allison Julie Claire, Trevor M Clarkson, Aaron Matthew Deml, Andrea Marie DiGenova, Alexandra Dale Dombek, Christina Jo DuBry, Mykaila Quinn Forsyth, Leah Halvorsen Garner, Britteny Lynn Gilge, Griffen Edward Gorsuch, Gillian Lauren Grant, Makenzie Jill Hall, Taylor A Hennessey, Madison Jo Horst, Emily Mary Hull, Karisa Ann Humes, Chi My Huynh, Cassandra Nicole Jellison, Daria Kari, Courtney Jean Kinsman, Evan Donald Klein, Raya Nicolette Klein, Damon Alan Kosaki, Tenzin Tsering Lama, Daylen Wayne Lappe, Evan Leigh Mae Lemke, Brittany Janet Manuel, Alec John Meader, Ashley Marie Melton, Stephanie Marie Mitcham, Anthony M Montana, Eric Van Nguyen, Laura Kristine Nielsen, Megan Rose Ott, Robert Morris Pierce, Termae T Rowshan, Whitney Paige Russo, Jessica Leeann Salamanca, Daja Rose Sawyer, Ryan Michael Schafte, Daniel Joseph Schiller, Jacob Daniel Scott, Alexander Tian Shi, Amaanjit Singh, Ryan Douglas Slyter, Rachel Lauren Smith, Madison Erin Stevens, Sara Ellen Summers, Jeremy Richard Testerman, Austin Kyle Vela, Jason Christopher Wagner, Maegan Leigh Walser, Kevin Michael Wandro, Robert Eugene Ward, Candace Jade Weed, Brandon Michael Wilde, Cheyanne Marie Wilson, Ryan Scott Wilson, Janetta Angel Yakubovich, Feddiena G. Young and Haley Alexandra Zach.

Washougal students include: Houston Reed Butchcoe, Marie Junette Allen, Alex Dane Anderson, Larisa Julia Antonov, Dawn Michelle Bailey, Erika Balodis, Brian R Barnhart, Patricia Lynn Bellamy, Jorge Curto Berrios, Vincent James Biggart, Allison Rose Bridgewater, Erin Bo Brooks, Emily Mae Carroll, David D Choi, Kendra Christensen, Noah Michael Collins, Andrew Kingsley Dodge, Linnea Marie Englund, Mackenzie Elizabeth Frye, Claire Diane Goss, Talia Kareen Goughnour, Jacob Andrew Greig-Prine, Jessica M. Kench, Heather A. Kobilan, Jennifer Ann Ladwig, Katherine Jean Ladwig, Danielle Elizabeth Larson, Jack Barnes Martin, Chris Ryan Miller, Corrine Ulloa Murphy, Maureen U Murphy, Hayley Marie Nakamichi, Rosemary Ina Nielson, Lisa Marie Rood, Erin Elizabeth Seekins, Nicole M. Smuts, David Andrew Soncrant, Shauntel Eileen Steele, Angela Nicole Steffanson and Rachel Lynn Tanner.

Tipton earns degree from Boston University

Boston University awarded academic degrees to 6,100 students in May 2015, including Mackenzie G. Tipton of Camas.

She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, cum laude.