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Letters to the Editor for April 13, 2017

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category icon Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Reader responds to Littauer column: is ‘elated’ with Trump

To answer Joel Littauer’s View (Trump won: hope you are happy): Thanks, I am elated that after eight years of an inexperienced community organizer, we have a qualified president occupying the White House.

It’s interesting how all these Trump haters including the liberal media can find so many faults with a president in the White House less than 100 days. I have seen more negative comments from liberals demeaning Trump during his first 78 days than all of the liberal’s comments on Obama’s missteps (there were many) in his eight years.

In lieu of commenting on Mr. Littauer’s rants, he summed up his comments at the end of his rage filled view. He finds all Republican presidents guilty as “not charged.”

Jerry Rogers, Vancouver

Celebrate Earth Day with ivy pull at new Washougal park

Earth Day reminds us how much fun it is to get outdoors and do something relaxing. We can’t always get to the forest to hike or the coast to bird watch, but we have a variety of parks locally where you and your family can do even more. How about swimming, boating, gardening, various sports, pickle ball or picnicking, to name a few?

Washougal is celebrating a brand new downtown park with an ivy pull and clean-up on Earth Day, April 22, between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Join us for an hour or two and get acquainted with this fun new open space at 2036 Main Street in downtown Washougal. Dress appropriately, bring work gloves and clippers and get ready for the best Earth Day ever!

Diana Gordon, Washougal

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