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Letters to the Editor for Aug. 9, 2018

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category icon Letters to the Editor, Opinion

More than 150 attend ECFR open house

East County Fire and Rescue wants to thank the community for attending its open house (during the Camas Days weekend). It was a great opportunity for us to show you your tax dollars at work and visit with families who make it possible for us to save lives and properties every day.

More than 150 people attended the three-hour event. Kids loved the wooden fire truck and ice cream bar the most, while adults flocked to the fire marshal’s demonstration of how sprinklers can save lives in residential fires.

There were very few questions about our upcoming fire levy lid lift on the November General Election ballot. The comments we did receive reflected a desire to maintain emergency service levels and the high quality of the services we provide.

Thank you again for making this a wonderful community event.

Mike Taggart, Chair, East County Fire and Rescue, Camas

Carbon fee would help environment without hurting workers, consumers

Maybe you have seen the petitions for I-1631 at the local farmer’s market, or outside of the library, or maybe you even signed one yourself. If you have signed or are familiar with the initiative, we are proud to have gotten enough signatures that voters will see it on the ballot.

If you are unfamiliar with Initiative 1631, now is the time to start discussing the carbon fee. The initiative is not a carbon tax, but it is a fee on pollution from large-scale industry in Washington State. This is an attempt to cut down on carbon pollution without harming consumers or workers, and inevitably transitioning to clean energy solutions. Labor organizers, health professionals, environmental groups, and community leaders (including tribal governments) were involved in the policy writing.

The initiative includes consumer protections as well as worker benefits and retraining programs. This collaboration has led to an equitable and comprehensive approach to such a transition.

Taylor Brown, Bellingham, Washington

New Salvation Army Food Bank will help many in community

I want to personally thank those who I know worked so hard to see the Salvation Army Food Bank achieve completion. I noted many officials who would have liked to have been there for the grand opening were not able to attend. I especially want to thank our former Sen. Don Benton who worked hard in the legislature to help bring Clark County the state funding through our state’s capital projects; monies to the tune of $2 million to help the Salvation Army get started in this important work.

The Salvation Army Food Bank will help to feed so many more people in our community.

Lisa Bayautet, Vancouver

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