Dozens of Camas-Washougal families turned out Saturday for the Vancouver Families Belong Together march, showing their support for immigrants and protesting recent Trump administration decisions that have separated immigrant children — many of whom arrived in the United States seeking asylum from Central American nations in crisis — from their parents and relatives.
“We are a large, diverse family,” said Ken Mach, of Camas, who came to the march with his wife, Chelsey, and their five young children. “And we want families to be together in this country.”
The June 30 march, which started in front of U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s Vancouver office and ended 1 mile away with a rally in Esther Short Park, was one of more than 600 marches across the country and one of 30 in Washington State.
Frank and Joanne Pinelli held signs asking “Is this America?” and stating, “I fear Trump … not immigrants!”
The Camas couple often join Catholic Charities volunteers to help greet refugees coming to the U.S. via the Portland International Airport, and have helped refugee families feel more comfortable during their first days in Oregon and Washington — bringing backpacks filled with snacks, toys and toiletries for the children and making sure the families’ new homes have all the basic necessities.