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Letter to the Editor for May 3, 2018

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Reader backs McDevitt for 3rd District

David McDevitt is running for Congress and I support him. He’s the person logging the heavy miles for the 3rd Congressional District, and David has hosted nearly 60 town halls during this campaign. The others aren’t close, and the incumbent personally hosted exactly one town hall in the past year.

McDevitt champions a clear message:

  • Healthcare Security for all, structured like Social Security. Preserve human dignity by enhancing Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
  • Earth-friendly family wage jobs tied to a higher minimum wage. Keep housing affordable for all.
  • Common sense firearm regulation — not confiscation — because “thoughts and prayers” do not keep our children out of the crosshairs at school.
  • Fix our traffic mess facing commuters.

David McDevitt offers solutions in putting people first. The people are responding.

Gail Pollock, Vancouver

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