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Letters to the Editor for May 24, 2018

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Reader supports Washougal teachers’ push for higher pay

After reading through the newspaper on Thursday, May 17, I was pleased to see that there was so much support for teachers salaries. I couldn’t agree more with the statement that “The future of America is in my classroom” (“Washougal teachers say pay falls short” pages A1-A2, May 17, 2018 Camas-Washougal Post-Record). Teachers deserve better pay. They are teaching our knowledge to the next generation. For all the hard work they have put into making our children’s childhood, I support the teachers of Washougal and their desire for higher salaries.

Zachary Gregson, Camas

Camas should ban personal fireworks, risk is too great

I attended the Camas City Council meeting to discuss fireworks and heard strong feelings for and against fireworks. Personally, I would never impose my idea of fun on my neighbors after learning they strongly dislike the noise, fire damage and the fear their pets and young children suffer. It’s fun for a few, but a risk for all of us.

There is an alternative to shooting fire over your neighbors’ home. There are public firework shows in the area, run by trained professionals in wide open areas with fireworks present for misfires. Take chairs and blankets and join family members and friends in a safe celebration of the Fourth of July. This is how I enjoyed the Fourth in the Midwest.

I also recently saw the wide blackened devastation of the Eagle Creek Fire, which was started by fireworks. That damage will take decades to repair and heal. The Douglas fir trees, ferns and wildflowers around Lacamas Park and Round Lake are a real treasure to this community. How can any thinking or caring person support shooting fire over our most beautiful green parks and hiking trails? We are only lucky Camas has not had a major loss yet due to fireworks.

For more information, go to Each year, thousands of injuries and fires are caused by fireworks. I encourage residents to call 360-834-6864 or email the city council, and share their concerns about the practice of shooting fire over our homes and wonderful parks. Encourage our council to follow the lead of our neighboring cities and ban all use of fireworks by amateurs.

Barb Hail, Camas

McDevitt, not Long, will work for progressive values in Congress

Carolyn Long is an Establishment Democrat running in the Democratic primary for Congress against David McDevitt, a Progressive Democrat. Long’s personal financial disclosure statement that she submitted to United States Congress House of Representatives, shows she has heavy investments in pharmaceutical companies. Perhaps this is why she supports the private health insurance industry over a single-payer health care plan.

Therefore, I urge people to support David McDevitt for our 3rd Congressional District. He is a Progressive who will work for fair progressive tax policies, a single-payer universal health care plan, a living wage, affordable housing, safe schools, accessible higher education and a better and more secure life for all working Americans.

McDevitt will fight corruption in Congress, and work to reform laws that allow dark money to enter politics, because he believes that a representative democracy can and should work for all Americans, not just the wealthiest few.

Mary Bardmess, Camas

Vote Sasha Bentley for 14th District

We have a fresh new face running for Position 1 in the 14th Legislative District this year. Her name is Sasha Bentley and her blend of pragmatism, collaboration, humanistic values and problem-solving are just what we need in this time of divisive and vituperative politics. She has experienced both rural and urban life and has lived in both liberal and conservative communities, so she is able to understand diverse perspectives and focus on our shared values to better achieve the goals we would all like to achieve: strong schools, government responsive to the people, universal internet coverage, healthcare for all and a dignified retirement. Since moving to White Salmon in 2016, Sasha has been working for the environment, voting rights and women’s issues. Sasha truly cares for people and is passionate about serving her community. I think we should give her a chance to represent us.

Rebecca Keith, Camas

Cortney running for Congress to ‘represent voice of the people’

I am running for the 3rd Congressional District seat because I believe Washington D.C. is no longer a representative government, and that is because Citizens United sold democracy down the drain.

I have made a commitment to be out and among the people through the rest of the campaign process. In the next few months, I will be all over the 3rd District; I want people to believe that their government is listening to them and if I’m elected I promise that it won’t stop there.

During my term there will always be a representative interacting with citizens throughout the district, and either by phone or laptop I will be constantly talking to the average person on the street. I will be explaining the issues that are facing Congress, and I promise to constantly be listening. I promise to be an authentic person in the hopes that even though we don’t see eye to eye on everything if I am elected to Congress, you will believe me when I say I will represent the voice of the people in my district, not me, not money, and not simply the party line.

Please visit my website at

Michael Cortney, Vancouver

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