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Letters to the Editor for Oct. 4, 2018

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Sorry to see Happy Island restaurant leave Camas

I was sorry to learn that the Happy Island restaurant at 419 N.E. Cedar St., in downtown Camas has lost its lease. We were thrilled when the current owners took over and made tasty, affordable Chinese food available again in the downtown sector. It is our understanding that the Attic Gallery is going to expand into the space with a framing department. As much as I appreciate the gallery and its fine art, to lose a family-friendly, affordable and delicious restaurant is too high a price to pay. Camas now has a variety of restaurants which are too expensive for our family of five to enjoy a meal out. The couple that owns Happy Island is extremely hard working and deserves to retain the business they have built up over the last few years. I don’t know if anything can be done at this point, but I will be patronizing Happy Island as many times as I can prior to Oct. 1, the day they have been told they must be out, and I hope others will do so, too.

Rosemarie Treece, Camas

Vote ‘yes’ on Initiative 1631 to reduce air pollution

Both of my parents died of cancer. Was it caused by second-hand smoke or by the auto exhaust they breathed 24 hours a day? No one knows, but we do know motor vehicles exhaust causes cancer and birth defects.

According to the Department of Ecology, the burning of fossil fuels in Clark County produces 189 tons per day of health harming pollution. We’re breathing it all the time, even when we sleep. Rain eventually washes it out of the air and into streams. You can see it on old snow and on patio furniture.

Initiative 1631 will reduce air pollution by putting a fee on the largest polluters and use the funds for reducing air pollution.

As of Tuesday morning this week, the oil companies have spent $20 million to oppose Initiative 1631. What is their motive?

Could it be found in Section 4 of the Initiative, which says, “Money in the account shall be used for … projects that … Accelerate the deployment of zero-emission fleets and vehicles”?

That would mean cleaner air and more options for consumers, but less profit for their CEOs.

My electric car represents $60,000 that the oil companies will never get. I’ll never need to buy gasoline again. A conventional car is likely to use at least $60,000 in gasoline to drive 500,000 miles, which is the expected life of an electric car.

The oil industry is the most powerful protection racket in history. Be wary of their spin. They say they care about climate change, but then regardless of a proposed solution, they say it will be ineffective, hurt our economy and drive up food costs.

The Initiative, however, will mitigate the impacts of the fee on low income households.

According to the EPA, we save $30 for each $1 invested in reducing air pollution.

We all pollute. We all need work together to protect our health and our children’s future.

Vote “yes” on Initiative 1631.

Readers with questions may send them to me at

Don Steinke,  Vancouver

Residents may notice smoke from slash burning

The Clark County Fire Marshal has issued a permit to burn the slash from the timber clear-cut portion of The Pinnacle Cluster subdivision in Fern Prairie. The street address of The Pinnacle is 26600 N.E. Brunner Road, Camas; it is a 51-acre development located on the hill along Highway 500, one mile north of the Grove Field Airport. The local burn ban is scheduled to be lifted on Oct. 1, or as soon after Oct. 1 as weather conditions allow. There are numerous piles of slash, some of which can be seen on the side of the hill facing State Route 500. It is possible that residents of Springbrook will be impacted by the smoke from the burning.

The Southwest Clean Air Agency in Vancouver is the government body that monitors regulated burns. Complaints can be made to SWCAA by calling 360-574-3058. Visit to learn more and view the online complaint form.

If there is an emergency as a result of the smoke, call 911.

Ed Davis, Camas

Urge Congresswoman to debate challenger

I am very concerned about the upcoming Washington 3rd Congressional District election. As you know, Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler is running against Carolyn Long. I understand Ms. Beutler has refused to debate Carolyn and do not understand. The way to make an informed decision as a voter is to find out what the candidates think. And a debate of some kind is one of the best ways, as opposed to quick soundbites and advertising slogans that mean nothing. I urge people to contact Jamie and get her to agree to discuss the issues with Carolyn.

Eugene W. Krebsbach, Washougal

Trump plan to drill offshore threatens state’s ecosystems, economy

In an age where our national news headlines are filled with the latest environmental disasters, I’d like to take the time to acknowledge a critical issue close to home. The Trump administration has quietly begun the process of opening our coastlines to offshore oil drilling, for the first time in Washington’s history. We have consistently seen that commercial drilling is followed by inevitable oil spills, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico to southern California. The ill-advised plan to start drilling here in the Northwest will not only damage our prized marine ecosystems and natural beauty — it will also threaten our coastal communities, and the billions of dollars in state GDP that are generated by coastal industries like fishing, recreation and tourism. It’s time for our representatives, including Jamie Herrera Beutler, to stand up and oppose the drilling expansion plan — not just here in Washington, but across the board. If she fails to act while there’s still time, the next national headlines might start highlighting spills off our own coast.

Dylan Guydish, Portland

Quiring for Clark County Council Chair

Who better than Eileen Quiring for Clark County Council Chair? The answer: no one. Eileen has served our community faithfully when she was appointed to the Clark County Planning Commission and then the Board of Equalization.

Eileen’s extensive knowledge and experience in her time as the deputy co-chair of the Joint Ways and Means Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development was likely an important factor in her appointment. County government dialogues with state government on important legislative issues that affect us. Her experience as a state representative and senator makes her the only choice to lead the council. She has boots on the ground, and knows how to navigate in these waters.

Quiring’s opposition to Oregon’s horrendous tolling plan which unfairly hurts Clark County commuters and her valiant attempt to bring a third and fourth bridge into the conversation has been noted. For these reasons and others electing Eileen to Council Chair is not only understandable; but absolutely necessary.

Please vote with me, vote Eileen Quiring Clark County Council Chair.

Josephine Funes Wentzel, Vancouver

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