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Washougal School District to screen ‘Heart of Glass’ documentary

District hopes to 'bring awareness of needs for competitive employment for young adults with disabilities'; will screen film June

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The Washougal School District will provide on-demand viewing access of the award-winning documentary “Hearts of Glass” on its website from June 2-12. 

This 2018 film follows the initial months of operation of Vertical Harvest, a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse that grows crops while providing jobs for people with disabilities working alongside people without disabilities.  

“Our goal is to bring awareness of the needs for competitive employment opportunities within our community for young adults with disabilities,” Washougal Adult Transition Program teacher Jessica Nickels said in a news release. 

The district will also present a webinar discussion panel, featuring a Washougal community member, a former Washougal student, and the films’ cast and crew, on June 9.

“The discussion aims to create awareness of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities from the perspective of the individual and the employers,” Nickels said. “This conversation and collaboration between the school district and community will also help improve employment outcomes for these young workers.”

“Our goal is for the film and webinar to provide a platform to advocate for greater inclusion of individuals of differing abilities into all aspects of our community,” WSD instructional coach Heather Kassel said in the news release. “The discussion around the film is meant to serve as a catalyst for change and the creation of new partnerships between local businesses and the school district.”