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Camas School District is focused on the future

Strategic plan update is underway

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The Camas School District is updating its strategic plan, and is seeking community input and feedback.

“A key element of the culture within the district is continuous improvement,” said Doreen McKercher, community relations coordinator. “We will gather honest and aspirational feedback on Camas School District’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges.”

A professional strategic planning facilitator will conduct listening sessions this month, compile data and work with the School Board to develop a draft plan.

The goal is to develop criteria that reflects the values and priorities of the community, and influences district strategies and action plans to meet student needs, according to McKercher.

Once criteria has been established, work groups will develop action plans to prepare the students for 2020 and beyond.

Each focus group session will last approximately 90 minutes. Unless noted, all sessions will take place at the Zellerbach Administration Center, 841 N.E. 22nd Ave. “We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to add your thoughts to the conversation about where our district should head over the next three to five years,” McKercher said. “Your opinion matters.”

Session dates are 5:30 to 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 27 for community members; and 9 to 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 28 for parents. There is another session for parents from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29.

Call McKercher at 833-5563 to sign up for a session.