
Letters to the Editor for Nov. 3, 2015

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Good people, good community

Over two weeks ago, I attended the Camas High School football game where I lost my diamond wedding ring.

After fretting about it for two weeks, I finally followed advice of family and friends and checked at the Camas police station to see if anyone had turned it in. I was very reluctant to do that as I thought it was too much of a long shot to expect anyone to turn in a diamond ring. How wrong I was.

The police had the ring, which was turned into them by a Camas family who took the time to have Runyan’s Jewelers examine it to see if it was real. After learning its value, they turned it in to the Camas police to find the owner. I appreciated Sgt. Robison who did a very thorough investigation to make certain that I was the rightful owner of the ring.

I am so delighted to have my ring back, which has so much emotional value to me. But my greatest delight is in knowing there are such beautiful people in our town of Camas. It really enforces the belief that there are such good people in our community, thanks to Gary and Sandra Alex.

Monte Birdsell-Bogdon

Vancouver (formerly a longtime Camas resident)

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