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A vote that counts

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category icon Editorials, Opinion

Time to make the votes count.

Educators around Clark County will be collectively crossing their fingers Tuesday night as that is the day ballots are due for the numerous school district bonds and levies that are on the Feb. 9 special election ballot.

While Camas is the only local school district seeking a capital construction bond, six other districts — Ridgefield, Vancouver, La Center, Green Mountain, Hockinson and Evergreen — are asking voters to approve replacement levies to fund education.

In Camas, the $120 million bond measure that will build new facilities, renovate and improve old structures, and add a number of other improvements that officials say will address issues surrounding safety, infrastructure and overcrowding.

The issue will require a 60 percent super majority approval to pass, which is not an easy feat when voter turnouts are often dismal, especially for special elections. As of Monday, of the nearly 200,000 ballots mailed out earlier this month, approximately 50,500 have been turned back in.

But a chance to vote on a local issue is a chance to have your voice heard. And even today, on Election Day, there is still time to do so.

Ballots are due by 8 p.m. tonight, and can be hand-delivered to election workers staffed at locations in Camas including Dorothy Fox, Prune Hill and Helen Baller elementary schools, as well as Camas High School.

Then, watch your vote count as the Post-Record will post results on its website,, and Facebook page.