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Letter to the Editor for Dec. 28, 2017

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Congresswoman betrayed region by voting ‘yes’ on tax plan

Tonight, I received a form email message from Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler attempting to run damage control for her “aye” vote in support of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The message highlighted Boeing’s announcement that it will invest $300 million in its employees and charities as a result of anticipated tax cuts.

Boeing and other corporations, such as AT&T, may be pulling the wool over her eyes, but not mine. They are on a campaign to make the tax plan appear to be what the GOP says it is — a boon for the middle class. It’s not. Independent analysts reiterate that this tax plan benefits corporations and the wealthy the most. Any spin those two groups put on it is just that.

It’s frustrating having to explain to family, friends and co-workers that none of these company-specific bonuses will boost the U.S. economy, nor the working and middle classes, in the long run. We shouldn’t have to also explain it to our congressional representative. Herrera Beutler has access to research, records, data, experienced colleagues, analysts and experts. Shame on her for regurgitating the GOP line instead of acknowledging how this tax plan will truly impact most Americans.

Herrera Beutler betrayed the interests of our region and state when she voted to further concentrate wealth into the hands of those who have far more than enough. Now she parrots the wealthy elite and corporations to justify herself — the two very sources that are least reliable since they stand only to gain from this tax plan.

For selling out the middle class — and for the other ways she has failed to act in the best interests of families in Southwest Washington — I will work hard to unseat Herrera Beutler in 2018.

Melissa Williams, Longview

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