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Letters to the Editor for June 8, 2017

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category icon Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Demand independent Russia investigation

Every day reveals more frightening behavior associated with the current administration and its Russian connections. These serious potential breaches of national security threaten everything for which our democracy stands. The American people deserve to know the truth and to have these matters resolved.

Now is the time to demand an independent investigation of these indications of impropriety, possible collusion and failure to disclose dealings with the Russians by the current administration. Clearly, Congress cannot effectively conduct an unbiased investigation.

Please contact Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler and urge her to support H.R. 356, the Protecting Our Democracy Act, a bipartisan bill that would establish and independent commission of 12 non-governmental appointees to fully investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential ties of the Trump administration. Telephone, locally, 360-695-6292, in D.C., 202-225-3536.

Our democracy depends on your speaking up.

Marjorie Casswell, Vancouver

Greene for Port of Vancouver Commission

Kris Greene is ideally qualified to serve as Port Commissioner. His experience is strong on business development and short on partisan politics, which pleases me greatly. He has 27 years in risk management and business ownership. He is a chartered life underwriter and financial services specialist, qualified to address the risks and financial issues of developing business at (the Vancouver) Port. His impressive community service includes two Vancouver Police Department commissions, charter review and salary review commissions, ambassador for the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, two Rotary Clubs, nine years as president of the East Vancouver Business Association and four years as chairperson of the Evergreen School District Foundation. Focusing on building on our Port’s unique assets, as well as safety, he will keep (the Port of Vancouver) competitive on the West Coast and globally. As a taxpayer in the Port taxing region, I want this open commissioner position to be filled by a business leader who will respect the concerns of taxpayers, and I am confident that Kris Greene will do just that.

Ann Donnelly, Vancouver

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