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Letters to the Editor for Nov. 2, 2017

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Washougal councilor urges voters to choose Coston
See me, outside, sign-waving, “Molly Coston for Mayor.”
Rain, shine, morning evening — Why?
I believe Molly brings knowledge, ability, experience and above all, non-partisan spirit.
When I was first appointed to Council, a decade ago, Molly was a mentor. When Mayor Sellers was chased away, Mayor Pro Tem, Molly, ran the city, without an administrator or finance director, and did a great job. So, not her first rodeo.
Let me correct misapprehensions, and misinformation, municipal government is NOT like running a business, it’s much more complicated and much more legally restricted. In many issues, the city has NO SAY. It’s not like Legislature or Congress.
Washington requires non-Partisan municipal elections for good reason.
In my experience … Every time partisanship entered council chambers, our city was less, Democrat, Republican, doesn’t mater, we were worse off.
I believe: Molly’s opponent brings little experience, but divisive partisanship from elsewhere. He represents a cabal that claims Republicanism, but has done everything possible to destroy the Clark County Republican Party. Led by David Madore, they chased away the good, and left Clark County paying millions in damages for the indefensible.
Is that what we want for Washougal?
“Molly Coston for Mayor!”

Washougal City Councilor Paul Greenlee,



Vote Smith for Camas City Council
I encourage you to vote for Melissa Smith for Camas City Council, Ward 1, Position 2. She is true to her ideals and has the experience and knowledge necessary for the decisions that affect us all. Melissa cares about her community, volunteering for the Friends of the Camas Cemetery. She has shown her dedication and trustworthiness as a current member of the City Council, so please let her continue in that role.

Eunice Abrahamsen,

Former Washougal councilor: Coursey best choice for mayor
Thanks, Washougal, for allowing me to serve as Washougal Councilor, 2012-2015. Now, Dan Coursey sits in the seat that I served in. Please allow me to recommend to you Dan Coursey, for Washougal mayor. Dan is highly qualified professionally with his background in computer systems engineering and banking, including financial analysis and commercial lending. Service to the community shows his heart: Alzheimers Association, InterFaith Treasure house, Run for the Hungry, West Columbia Gorge Humane Society, Salvation Army of Washougal, Camas-Washougal Pathways Pregnancy Clinic and Shared Hope International, rescuing girls from sex trafficking. He serves the social needs of folks. Dan’s campaign theme, “Respectfully Putting Citizens First,” is more than a slogan. It’s a pledge to Washougal. You simply can’t go wrong by voting for this smart, experienced, ethical businessman. Vote Dan Coursey for Washougal mayor. Character does matter!

Connie Jo Freeman,

Molly Coston will not divide with partisan controversies
I have been a member of the nonpartisan Washougal City Council for the past five years. Just over 10 years ago I was Clark County Republican Party chairman. These experiences taught me that partisan politics does not belong in small town city government.
This is why I am supporting Molly Coston for Washougal Mayor. She will stick to basics, not scoring partisan political points. Most citizens want their streets maintained and adequate police and fire protection. Few citizens want their city officials focusing on partisan matters they have little or no say over.
The Washougal City Council, in the past, caused needless division on matters with little or no connection to Washougal affairs on issues like drug regulation, immigration, light rail, and mixing church and state. These are matters for the state or federal government not a small-town city council.
Dan Coursey, Molly’s opponent, doesn’t believe this. At a campaign event, the first thing he said was that he is a life-long conservative Republican. Coursey even attacked Molly for being a former president of the nonpartisan League of Women Voters. A look at Coursey’s reported campaign contributors show that most are from outside of Washougal, including many controversial figures associated with the far right of the local Republican Party. One can get the impression that he’s involved in Washougal government because of its seat on the C-Tran Board, so he can score political points in the fight against light rail.
Molly is not running for mayor to score political points. She will focus on city-issues and not push city government into partisan and divisive controversies. Please vote for Molly Coston for mayor of Washougal.

Brent Boger,

‘Keep good thing going,’ vote for Keister and Spencer
Voters in the Camas-Washougal Port District have two easy choices on the ballot this year. Commissioners Larry Keister and John Spencer both seek to retain their positions. They are key members of a great team at the Port of Camas-Washougal, making many positive contributions to our community. The success of the Steigerwald Commerce Center adds to the good local jobs the Port brings to our area. Their marina and launch ramp provide boaters with easy access to a beautiful section of the Columbia River. The Grove Field Airport serves both personal and business aviation, and is the site of the Port’s annual Wheels and Wings Community Appreciation Day, a car and airplane show held each September. The Port provides the public with several parks along the Columbia River waterfront, including the new Washougal Waterfront Park and Trail, the venue for the Port’s free summer concerts and the community Fourth of July celebration. They are currently working to ensure that future development north of the Washougal Waterfront Park and Trail will occur with the community’s best future in mind. The Port is an inclusive, collaborative organization that has encouraged a more cooperative spirit in our greater community.
Vote to keep a good thing going. Vote for John Spencer and Larry Keister for Camas-Washougal Port Commission.

Richard Hamby,

Sinclair will provide direction, guidance to Washougal schools
Washougal’s schools need and deserve good direction and excellent guidance. If you vote for, Donna Sinclair, for the Washougal School Board, you will be getting someone who is not only a celebrated teacher in her own right, but also a mother and someone who has grown up here in the Northwest. I know Donna personally and I can attest to the dogged determination she possesses, a superior intellect and the compassion all of the children of Washougal deserve. Vote for Donna Sinclair. You will be happy you did.

Mike Briggs,

Support Coursey for Washougal mayor
Dan Coursey’s integrity and experience as a financial analyst, treasurer and systems engineer well qualify him for Washougal mayor. The current mayor and Molly Coston have accepted donations from Waste Connections, which contracts with Washougal for garbage and recycling. In 2009, a former mayor signed a 15-year contract with WasteConnections, with no competitive bids. Coursey has not accepted, nor will he accept Waste Connections contributions. (Editor’s note: Coston received $500 from Waste Connections in 2011, during her bid for Washougal City Council, but has not yet received a contribution from the company for her 2017 mayoral campaign.)
From 2008 to April 2011, there were no city public hearings on light rail versus buses as the recommendation by Camas-Washougal to the C-Tran board on a proposed Interstate 5 replacement bridge over the Columbia River. Nevertheless, the Camas-Washougal C-Tran representative voted for light rail, subject to a public vote. At the April 4, 2011, Washougal City Council meeting, a resolution was proposed to insure that Washougal voters would get to vote on high capacity transit light rail as a city in the C-Tran district that would help pay for the system. Coston voted against the resolution instead of supporting the right of Washougal to vote on this C-Tran issue. (Editor’s note: According to the official minutes of the April 4, 2011 meeting, Coston stated that she agreed with the overall premise of the resolution, but would be voting no because she felt the resolution was too ambiguous. She also stated that she would like to see the city council re-visit the issue in the future.) Eventually, Camas-Washougal citizens were allowed to vote on light rail in 2012 and 2013, and rejected costly light rail both times, as did every city in Clark County.
Dan Coursey respects the voice of citizens and would serve honorably as mayor.

Margaret Tweet,

Coursey will not play ‘kick the can’ like past leaders
Dan Coursey’s life experiences have developed him into a team leader and decision maker: Financial analyst, commercial loan officer, business development officer for large commercial banks, systems engineer and leader of multiple groups of people to completion of large complex projects. Mr. Coursey will not play “Kick the Can” in Washougal government like councils of the past have done. Our water rates are so expensive now because of lack of leadership 10 years ago, when Mr. Coursey’s opponent was making decisions on the council. People want to blame this council for raising rates, but they are simply complying with the EPA’s demands of upgrades to the water system, which were ordered back then. Let’s elect a mayor who doesn’t fear tackling complex projects for Washougal. Vote for Dan Coursey for mayor of Washougal.

Bob Freeman,

Pro-life Coursey best choice to lead Washougal
Our city is about to decide who our next mayor will be and we need to look back as well as ahead and see where this will take us. We are in a difficult time with rising utility costs due to past negligent leadership as well as an exciting time of coming growth that will require responsible leadership coupled with willingness to work with small business and bring jobs to our hometown.
I ask you to consider Dan Coursey as our next mayor. He is a pro-life candidate that supports our local Pathways organization that works to save unborn children and provides help for mothers. His opponent is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Visit to find more information concerning these subjects and candidates. You may think this is an irrelevant issue to affect a small-town mayoral race, but in my opinion this issue above any other tells much about someone’s moral and ethical make up.
It is time we choose a responsible, ethical and committed leader that wants what is best for our town. By listening and putting citizens first, Dan Coursey is capable of being that leader. Join me in giving him the opportunity to serve us all.

Russel White,

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