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Letters to the Editor for Oct. 26, 2017

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Camas resident questions development of city-owned space

This is in response to last week’s article, “Camas OKs unorthadox land-use process.” A thanks to The Post-Record for bringing attention to the recent possible sale of city park property on Everett Street to a city councilmember.

I don’t think our councilmembers or city officials should be able to acquire city properties that have not been posted to the public for sale for personal gain — giving everyone a chance to bid on such property. Would this not be considered a conflict of interest by the city?

Has anyone seen a “for sale” posting anywhere for the property in question on Everett Street? Looking at the picture of the drawing for the proposed senior living facility, it looks like the developer has been planning this for awhile, because it looks like he has also planned to acquire the houses and property on either side of the city land. Has the City Council considered the impact that this development would have on an already very busy Everett Street and surrounding property owners? I believe the mayor, council and city administrator should address this situation, so it doesn’t happen again.

Annice Sampson, Camas

Sinclair ‘great choice’ for Washougal schools

Donna Sinclair is a great choice for Washougal School District Director, Position 3. Donna has experience as an educator, as a parent with children in the public schools — including the district — and as someone who works with teachers and the community. We are privileged to have an accomplished educator volunteering for the job. Donna Sinclair is a professor at WSU Vancouver. She has mentored students and done work for the Vancouver National Historic Reserve and research for the Forest Service. Donna has developed curriculum and has the knowledge and skill base to make the Washougal School District work for the community, the students and the future.

Please join in supporting Donna for Washougal schools.

Joe Kear, Washougal

Free from special interests, Molly Coston can lead Washougal into new era

The city of Washougal is entering a new era. What do I mean by that? Well, in the past, our city has struggled to develop its own identity, simply because of proximity to Camas. We now have an opportunity to coordinate our efforts with Camas, and treat all our citizens with the respect and trust that they deserve. Citizens of Washougal can evaluate our current choices for mayor.

What do we want in our mayor, entering this new era? This is what I see as those qualities that we need. I see the need for someone who has lived in Washougal for several years, and has connected with and participated with the local citizens. I see the need for someone who is a collaborator, bringing together people with different ideas, perspectives and ideas. I want someone who has an obvious record of honest accomplishments, successful experience and a respect for the rule of law. I want someone who cares about all citizens — from the most financially challenged, to those who appear to be the most privileged.

Most important to me, I want someone who is independent of special interests. I do not want someone who is supported by corrupt people with a bucket load of dollars. Does the name David Madore ring a bell? He is supporting one of the candidates with that bucket load of dollars. If his candidate wins, I am concerned that this person would not have his own voice, but would instead be the voice of Mr. Madore. Once again, Washougal would be thrown back into the past, and not allowed to continue its positive path of movement into this new era.

My wish is that all Washougal citizens would take the time to read their voters pamphlet and the candidates statements, view the League of Women Voters forum on CVTV ( and, of course, make sure that you vote by sending in your ballot no later than Nov. 7. After doing my homework, to me the choice is clear: Molly Coston. Who will you choose?

Martha Martin, Washougal

Coston will make ‘phenomenal mayor, work for community’

I have known Molly Coston, candidate for Washougal mayor, for years; and even though I no longer live in the Washougal city limits, I would vote for her, if I could.

Molly cares about Washougal and has worked for years whether inside or outside of public office to improve Washougal for its citizens. She has fought hard to ensure that Washougal continues to be a community for all its citizens and even for those of us that live in the rural areas surrounding it who rely on the businesses, schools, roads and other services there. She is not just for those who want to push anti-Washougal agendas forward, but is for advancing livability in Washougal and for an agenda that will advance the interests of all Washougal citizens.

Molly will be an engaged mayor and is frequently found out and about all over Washougal. She will stop and talk to you and listen to your concerns. In fact, I see Molly doing just that all the time when I’m in Washougal now, and she always stops to talk to me and ask how I am. She’ll stop and talk to you too and listen carefully to what you have to say.

This former Washougal citizen, now living just outside the city limits, would cast her vote for Molly any day of the week because she works whole heartedly for your interests.

I’m asking every Washougal citizen to cast their ballot for Molly Coston because I guarantee she’ll be a phenomenal mayor working for you and the whole community.

Phyllis Jelusich, Washougal

Vote Orange to stop oil terminal’s ‘step backward’

The proposed oil terminal for the Port of Vancouver is a step backward for the county and the region. We should be promoting 21st Century, earth-friendly technology — not 20th Century oil. I am voting for Don Orange for port commissioner to help stop this nonsense before it starts.

Stephen Stengel, Camas

Proposed senior living development would benefit neighborhood

(In response to “Developer eyes open space” article in Oct. 19 Post-Record): I live next door to the proposed development and I believe that some of Brent Erickson’s comments are for his personnel gain and interests. He lives directly across from the proposed development and believes that any change would impact his property value. In fact, that it is just the opposite. With the expansion and widening of Everett Street and state Route 500, our property values have already gone down compared to other neighborhoods in Camas.

I agree with Brent about the importance of creating and maintaining parks and open space for the future of Camas. However, this property is far from a productive park, and is not routinely maintained. The Parks Department only mows once a year and no cleanup ever happens. I have been here for almost 20 years and in the past five years, this land has not been important to the Parks Department. Brent claims that the space is “heavily used.” It, in fact, is not. There is a bicycle workshop held one weekend a year by Camas Bike Shop, there is overflow parking at times for Fallen Leaf Lake Park, which I believe is still owned by Georgia-Pacific, not the city of Camas. The hikers and pedestrians are mainly dog walkers here in the neighborhood, and teenagers coming and going to the Pot Holes, and it does not appear that the new project will have any effect on them if Tim Hazen is offering to continue to allow the public to use the trail head. Emergency responders do, in fact, use the property the most. They use the space for parking for training, one week in the spring/summer and for rescues, as needed. Again, the plan will allow them to continue (to have access to the property). Georgia-Pacific uses the property as access to service and maintain the water for the mill, but nobody maintains the park space. I have had to mow, pick up trash and deal with people using my driveway and people using my land as a short cut to the trail. We have had vagrancy and some sketchy characters coming on our property to access the trail head without being seen from the street.

I, too, have an interest in this project, as I am in the process of selling my house and I have been offered fair market value for my property. I feel that this project will benefit the neighborhood, as it will be properly maintained and still give access to the folks that use it most.

Rick Stevenson, Camas

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