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Letters to the Editor for Jan. 11, 2018

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Learn about cancer-causing radon at Camas Library Jan. 24

January is National Radon Action Month, raising awareness about the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Radon, common across Clark County due to our geology, is odorless, invisible, and able to enter any type of structure (old or new, with any type of foundation). This public health issue made front page news in 2017 as several Evergreen School District facilities were found to be above national standards. The only way to know if your home is at unsafe levels is to carry out a simple, inexpensive test.

The American Lung Association and Washington State Department of Health are sponsoring the sixth annual Radon Forum Northwest at Camas Public Library — located across from Camas City Hall, which tested at six times the acceptable levels for radon, and was promptly mitigated — from 6 to 7:15 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 24. Experts from the health, geology, engineering and testing fields will discuss where radon comes from and how to eliminate it from our homes, schools and businesses; and answer audience questions. Inexpensive test kits will be available for purchase (while supplies last). The most recent forum held in Clark County — in Vancouver in 2015 — was standing-room-only. For more information, visit

Jim Bittner,


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