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Letters to the Editor: March 9, 2023

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Keep Washougal a stable community, vote ‘yes’ to WSD’s replacement levies

As a taxpayer and senior citizen, most of us generally look at how much a levy or bond will cost us if it passes. Please see the graphic attached for the April 25, Levy for Washougal Public Schools. Please see that it is a replacement levy, meaning the current one is expiring and this one will replace it. And, it is at a lower rate.

If passed, it will continue providing services at our current level. The major capital improvements will be replacing the roof on the high school and making improvements to the heating and cooling system in several of the schools.

The Maintenance and Operations Levy represents funding for 18% of the Washougal School District’s operating budget. The state of Washington does not fully fund K-12 education, and every district in the state must gain support from local patrons to fully fund their schools.

What do we gain if we pass the Maintenance and Operations Levy? Continued funding for the performing arts (music and theater), athletics, counseling services, school nurses, campus security and paraeducators to assist our teachers in the classroom who help provide quality learning.

As a citizen with no children in school what do you gain? You support a healthy community that values education, student involvement in extracurricular activities and a safer environment — and it will help you retain the value of your property.

Districts that don’t support their local schools are not seen as stable communities. Business and industry like to relocate to communities that support education, commerce, parks and recreation, and safety.

Let’s keep Washougal a stable community. Please vote yes on April 25.

Roger D. Daniels,


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